Abortionist Peter Kopf said in a recent interview that you can read here:
Abortion is birth control. Adoption is giving up your child and not accepting your duties as a mother. Most women are not interested in that. It’s only in a religiously-altered mind that that’s a true option.
This abortionist is being very honest about what we know to be true…abortion is an elective procedure that stops (and controls) a child from being born. It sounds odd for us to hear someone that supports abortion speak so bluntly and truthfully.
Another quote also stood out to me:
As long as humans have recreational sex they will need abortion.
I disagree that people “need” abortions, but I agree with the general statement. If people are having recreational sex with no desire to care for a child that may result, then of course they are going to desire to have abortions. People will always want abortions as long as many continue the thought that it is acceptable for some children to be “unwanted”. While we can teach people to love “unwanted” preborn children, we cannot force love. That said, we also can’t force people to love born children but we can demand that preborn children (like born children) must not be killed.
Here is video from last month’s 40 Days for Life event where about 300 locals prayed and counseled outside abortionist Peter Kopf’s clinic: