Baby Body Parts Found in El Paso Abortion Clinic Parking Lot: Police Investigating
Contact: Anna Bettisworth, 323.454.3304,
Early this morning, Live Action Investigator and sidewalk counselor Gaby Federico discovered a dead, dismembered baby in the parking lot of Hilltop Family Planning Clinic, an abortion clinic in El Paso, TX. The Hilltop clinic advertises abortions up to 15 weeks.
Federico and a fellow pro-life sidewalk counselor at the clinic were alerted to the find by a man who lives next door to the clinic. He said the night before, his dog had been sniffing around the parking lot and found the baby’s body parts lying on the ground. The man placed the body parts in a plastic bag next to the clinic and alerted Federico this morning. At approximately 9:15 AM, Federico and others found disarticulated tissue, two bloody legs with feet, and a severed hand in the bag.
Police arrived at the clinic around 11:30 AM and are investigating and interviewing clinic staff. Abortion clinic staff have claimed the body is not “theirs” and that they “dispose of bodies properly.” The Bishop of El Paso, Armando Achoa, is also at the clinic and has asked for the body to for a funeral and burial.
Upon viewing photographs of the body parts, former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson said they were remarkably well-developed. “The findings are consistent with the remains of an abortion procedure,” confirmed Johnson, who at Planned Parenthood worked for years as a “products of conception technician,” the abortion industry’s term for someone who reassembles baby body parts after an abortion. “Based on the development of the foot and the formation of the leg, and what appears to be a tear at the top of the leg, this looks like an abortion done through vacuum aspiration on a child at 12 to 14 weeks LMP.”
Federico spoke to police this morning, who began an investigation at the clinic. The clinic denies responsibility and reportedly told police they “dispose of everything properly.” The Bishop of El Paso, Armando Ochoa, has requested permission to bury the remains.
“This is horrible to know that these children are killed daily here in El Paso, not only without a burial, but to be disposed of in such an inhuman way. It’s not fair,” expressed Federico. “This shouldn’t ever happen, in El Paso or anywhere. The world needs to see what abortion clinics do to children. When dead babies start turning up in the clinic parking lot, no further proof is needed of what abortion is. These clinics need to be shut down.”
Lila Rose, president of Live Action, called the find was shocking and sobering. “On Good Friday, millions of Americans contemplate the mystery of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. It is a fitting time to remember that thousands of children every day suffer the violent death of abortion, while too many stand by out of indifference or ignorance.”