I came across an absolutely awful story today, courtesy of Liberty Pundits, about a man who forced his girlfriend to unknowingly have an abortion.
Sayre police on Wednesday charged Orbin Eeli Tercero, 38, with criminal homicide of an unborn child, first-degree murder of an unborn child, aggra vated assault of an unborn child, aggravated assault, hindering apprehension or prosecution, and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
Tercero, of Williamson Terrace, was arrested Thursday by state police in Bath as a fugitive from justice.
He was arraigned in Bath Village Court and remanded to Steuben County Jail, pending a hearing on extradition to Pennsylvania.
The charges are based on the following events, according to police:
The victim, a 36-year-old woman from Sayre and a pharmacist at a Wegmans Market, said she had a two-year physical relationship with Tercero, also a Wegmans pharmacist.
Tercero was engaged to another woman at the time.
The victim, whose name is being withheld by this newspaper, told Tercero she was pregnant in mid-January.
Tercero told the woman he could use the drug misoprostol to induce a miscarriage. The victim told Tercero she would get an abortion instead.
The victim, however, made a Feb. 24 appointment for an abortion but changed her mind. She called Tercero to tell him she would keep the baby.
In late February, on the victim’s birthday, Tercero visited her at home and used misoprostol he allegedly stole from Wegmans pharmacy to cause the miscarriage.
Without her knowing it, Tercero put one pill in her vagina, one in her juice and one in her water. She was 13 weeks pregnant at the time.
When the victim began to miscarry, she found a partially dissolved misoprostol tablet among the discharge.
Tercero drove the victim to Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, where she miscarried.
My heart just goes out to that poor woman. What a horrible, horrible thing to have to go through. Who knows what made her change her mind — viewing an ultrasound, perhaps — but something made her change her mind and her child was still cruelly taken from her.
I can’t help but think that she might have had a clue that this guy was a creep considering that all of this happened while he was engaged to another woman. So he cheats on his fiancee steadily for two years with another woman, gets her pregnant, and forces her to have an abortion. Man, what a winner. He succeeded in killing his own child. This man must literally have no conscience, no soul.
What’s interesting about this case is that he was charged with murder. This implies that the fetus is being considered to be… a person. This must have the feminazis hopping mad. Whenever cases like this come up, they always have a problem with it. Consider Laci and Connor’s Law. Feminists and pro-abortion advocates went nuts over it. They don’t want unborn children to be considered human. They’re only supposed to be considered fetuses. Feminists and the pro-abortion advocates worry that considering an unborn child a human would give unborn children a constitutional right to life — and how could abortion, therefore, be legal? It doesn’t matter to them whether or not the mother wanted the baby when the violence was enacted against them. And it won’t matter to them in this case that she wanted to keep her child. Their number one priority, now and always, is not fighting for women, but fighting to keep abortion legal and common.
And here’s a curious question for the feminists. They advocate, strongly and consistently, for women to be able to abort their babies without the consent of the father. The child is half his, after all, so why should he not have a say? But if the feminist position is that women should be allowed to abort without the father’s consent, then really, what’s so different about this case? Isn’t it the exact same thing that feminists advocate, except with the father performing the abortion? Feminists say they’re all about equality, after all, and that they don’t want women to be superior to men, just equal. So what’s the issue here? If a woman can have an abortion without the consent of the father, then why can’t the father do the same thing to her? If killing your baby is an absolute right and feminists are fighting for equality, then why should only mothers have that right? Why can’t fathers as well?
I won’t expect to get an answer from any feminists anytime soon. They’ve been quiet about this case so far (no surprise there). This is a sticky situation for them.
In the meantime, I’m glad to hear that Pennsylvania authorities are doing the right thing and charging this heartless man with murder. I hope the woman gets at least some peace knowing that the killer of her child is being brought to justice.
Just remember, if feminists had their way, he’d be getting off scot-free.
Cross-posted from Cassy’s blog. Stop by for more original commentary, or follow her on Twitter!