In October, a new film will be released in theaters in Alabama and Mississippi that may serve to change many hearts and minds on the issue of abortion. October Baby tells the story of Hannah, a college freshman who discovers that she was adopted and is a survivor of a failed abortion attempt. Hannah sets out on a journey to find her birth mother and learns many lessons in the process, including a powerful lesson about forgiveness.
October Baby will eventually be released nationwide, but the initial release in Alabama and Mississippi comes with an added bonus. In November, Mississippi voters will consider Amendment 26, an amendment to their state constitution which would acknowledge the personhood of every unborn child. The release date is no accident. Directors John and Andrew Erwin are strongly pro-life and hope that their film will help to bring the pro-life message to Mississippi in a powerful way as voters consider this issue. They have also committed to giving ten percent of the film’s proceeds to organizations that help women in crisis pregnancy situations.
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor and pro-life speaker, is among the film’s strongest vocal supporters. She writes on her Facebook page:
I am so grateful. Finally, joy without sorrow is coming.
If you are interested in finding out when October Baby will be shown in your area, you can sign up for email updates on the October Baby website. October Baby also has a Facebook page where visitors can read reviews from those who have been fortunate enough to see this film.
Trailer below: