Reacting to the release of videotapes in which its staff members advise an apparent sex trafficker, Planned Parenthood said Monday that it would retrain thousands of staff members across the country on its rules for reporting possible dangers to minors, and would automatically fire anyone who violated them.
All employees who have contact with the public will attend special training sessions, tailored to local laws, in coming weeks, said Stuart Schear, vice president for communications of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
So Planned Parenthood made no admission of guilt yet they are launching this major training effort. It sounds like a PR move instead of actual taking the problem seriously. It begs the question…
If Planned Parenthood believed that their staff was acting professionally in the videos we recorded then why do a retraining?
Planned Parenthood is trying to have it both ways. If they believe that they have a problem that requires retraining then they should be forthcoming about what they believe the nature of the problem is.
Three years ago when we released the following two videos below showing sexual abuse cover-up at Planned Parenthood Indiana, there response was to do retraining.
And let’s not forget that just days ago, Planned Parenthood’s Vice President Stuart Schear said that:
“There is no training that could prevent this from happening. This was a complete breakdown in judgment. We don’t understand what happened with this employee.”
Video of him saying it:
So why do training if training isn’t the problem? And remember, Schear also said in the same interview that all Planned Parenthood staff is “highly trained” and that “we offer excellent training to our staff.” If he is so confident in those claims, why the need to retrain now?
Planned Parenthood is on the ropes and it knows that the public is watching. If they admit to too many problems, they will face further investigation and loss of public support. If they ignore the problem, they will be seen as not taking child sex abuse seriously. Planned Parenthood isn’t being guided by a moral principal to do the right thing (they would have done the right thing on tape if that is who they were) but rather a public relationship strategy to save their organization in the face of shocking video evidence.
The first video release from the child sex trafficking cover-up investigation is embedded below:
Also of note, the New York Times linked to Planned Parenthood’s website in the article but did not link to the Live Action website when Live Action was mentioned. That shouldn’t be a surprised based on their ideological support for abortion.