UPDATE: CAUGHT! Planned Parenthood Hides Evidence of Dangerous Injection Program
There isn’t much that Planned Parenthood pulls that surprises me but I have to admit that this story took me a few moments to digest. A Global Health the Magazine article highlights a youth named “Juan” and this participation in this Planned Parenthood sponsored program, saying:
Juan and 30 other young people, aged 11-19, are the first group of peer promoters to use a peer-to-peer community based model to deliver injectables and other contraceptives to rural and indigenous youth in the Chimborazo region of central Ecuador. The program is born of a partnership between Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and CEMOPLAF, a major Ecuadorian reproductive health NGO.
The article goes on to state:
All promoters attend a four-part extensive training, including an introduction to injections in general; training on Depo Provera in particular.
CNSNews did some followup and attempted to talk to Pfizer, who manufacturers Depo Provera, but their calls were not returned. A Depo-Provera use guide at the Pfizer website reads:
Use of Depo-Provera CI is associated with significant loss of BMD (bone mineral density). This loss of BMD is of particular concern during adolescence and early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion.
Now this Planned Parenthood program not only uses 11-year-olds to administer this program which raises serious questions about the medical safety of this program but the Global Health article states that all those that participate in the program are “younger than 20 years old.” This raises additional questions about the safety of these adolescence when the drug they are taking is “associated with significant loss of bone mineral density.”
Jim Sedlak of the American Life League told CNSNews that, “It’s absolutely outrageous and, of course, this would be totally illegal here in the United States.”. Sedlak also pointed out that these contraceptive injections won’t stop sexually transmitted diseases and can encourage adolescents to become sexually active and engage in risky behavior.
What did Planned Parenthood have to say about all of this? They have refused to comment as CNSNews reports they have failed to respond to multiple phone and email requests.
Apparently Planned Parenthood thinks 11-year-olds shooting people up with Depo Provera is great as they are looking to expand the program into two new areas over the next two years.
I guess this is what Planned Parenthood calls responsible health care.
Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood President
H/T: CNSNews.com Planned Parenthood Uses Teens to Distribute Injectable Birth Control in Rural Ecuador