A pro-life billboard from Georgia Right To Life has liberals and feminists hopping mad, angry about being confronted with an uncomfortable truth. The billboard looks like this:
The billboards are clearly meant to catch your attention, and draw attention to the fact that minorities get a disproportionately large number of abortions, and especially in Georgia. Even the New York Times, which writes about the controversy with sentences dripping with disdain, is forced to admit the troubling statistics are real.
In 2006, 57.4 percent of the abortions in Georgia were performed on black women, even though blacks make up about 30 percent of the population, according to the most recent figures from the federal Centers for Disease Control. Of the 37 states that reported abortion data by race, Georgia was second only to New York and Texas in the number of abortions performed on black women. Only Mississippi and Maryland reported a higher percentage of abortions going to black women than Georgia.
The Census Bureau reported similar numbers for African-Americans nationwide. In 2005, black women had a rate of 49.3 abortions for every 1,000 performed as opposed to 13.6 for white women. Hispanic women came next at 26. Does this make black children “endangered”? Hardly. The fertility rate for black women is also higher, so of course black children are not literally in danger of becoming extinct. But I think it seems clear that the billboards are part of a shock campaign designed to get the attention of black women. Feminists and liberals know this, I’m sure, and are feigning outrage because Heaven forbid the public is exposed to any kind of pro-life messaging.
Most people, with the exception of strong pro-lifers, don’t know that black women get a disproportionate number of abortions. They also don’t know the disturbing background of Planned Parenthood… and that its founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist who was a proponent of eugenics. This video from the American Life League, for example, details how deep racism and eugenics ran in Margaret Sanger.
Eugenics still have a home at Planned Parenthood too, as Lila Rose was able to find out in an undercover investigation.
So while this ad campaign may be shocking and a little over-the-top, it’s certainly making a valid point. The website featured on the billboards, www.toomanyaborted.com, exposes Planned Parenthood’s racist past and the sad statistics for abortions black women get in Georgia and across the country. Did you know, for example, that 94% of all abortion clinics are located in urban areas? Nationwide, blacks make up 12.8% of the population but account for 36.4% of all abortions. 43% of all black pregnancies end in abortion. Who can look at those statistics and feel their heart swell with pride? I doubt that there’s a vast racist conspiracy going on to exterminate the black race. I do think that Planned Parenthood happily profits off of underprivileged black women without ever giving them a chance to explore other options.
Once again, I can’t help but notice how “pro-choice” really means pro-abortion. Feminists and liberals howl with outrage whenever anything negative about abortion is even so much as mentioned. Why? Is the pro-abortion position really so fragile that they cannot handle the thought of Americans being informed about the gruesome nature of abortion? Most Americans don’t cheer the idea of a baby never getting the opportunity to live their life. They see it as a tragedy. But pro-choicers can’t handle that tragedy being brought to light… which, again, leads me to believe that it isn’t that they are for women making their own choice about their bodies. They want women to have abortions.
The abortion lobby, and especially Planned Parenthood, shows itself over and over again to be evil, out for blood and money. Black women deserve to know the truth about how they are being targeted.
Cross-posted from Cassy’s blog. Stop by for more original commentary, or follow her on Twitter!