
Reaching your community with the truth- how to distribute The Advocate

In order to have lasting change in this world, we must see that our generation is ready and equipped to lead the way. Live Action works tirelessly to expose the abuses and lies of the abortion industry, but this means nothing unless the truth we reveal reaches the hearts of the world. The Advocate magazine is our way of making sure this happens. Not only does it have the truth, but it is presented in such a way that has and will change the hearts and minds of those it reaches.

There may be some of you who want to distribute The Advocate, but you simply do not know where to start. No matter what your fears are, however, a little preparation always makes everything go much smoother.

Picking the right spot and the right method for distributing will be the biggest factor in how many people you can reach. Although the exact spot or the exact method will vary depending on your unique situation, there a couple of tried and true tactics that can help you get started on the right foot.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to get out The Advocate.

1. Lockers: Slip The Advocate into lockers at your high school so that each student gets their own copy!

2. Classrooms: Before class starts, place a copy of The Advocate on everyone’s seat.

3. Public Message Areas: Tack a few copies of The Advocate on bulletin boards, and open some of them up to advertise the contents. You can find public magazine racks at some schools, supermarkets, cafes, and libraries–put some Advocates there, too!

4. Parking Lots: Stick The Advocate under the windshield wipers of every car in a large parking lot!

5. Give them to a Friend:  Do you know someone that you know has a heart for the pro-life movement? Give him/her a stack of 50-100 Advocates to distribute. Most people are pro-life, but just don’t know what to do to help end the injustice of abortion.  Engage them!  Distributing Advocates is a great way for them to get more involved and learn how to be a voice for the voiceless.

6. Person-to-person: Go to a public area with lots of foot traffic and hand out The Advocate to each person who walks by. You can offer the magazine with a creative one-liner, or engage each person in a longer discussion about abortion.

The first five methods of distribution are pretty self explanatory and not very intimidating but, as is often the case, the easiest method is not always the best method. These methods are great and we strongly encourage that you try them, but the sixth method, though intimidating, can be the most fruitful. Personally handing The Advocate to someone will not only make them less likely to ignore it or throw it out, but it will also give you the opportunity engage in a life changing conversation.

Ultimately, If the pro-life movement wants to see lasting change, we have to be ready to share the truth with those around us. It may mean doing things we wouldn’t normally do, such as engaging with strangers, but for such a minimal sacrifice, the reward is incomparably larger. If you would like to stand with Live Action in seeing that the unborn are given the life they deserve please sign up to be a distributor of The Advocate today. The truth is a powerful thing, and through you, it can and will change the world.

To help us change the world, one person at a time, become a distributor today!

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