Congress continues to debate whether or not to remove taxpayer-funded abortion from ObamaCare. Though a pro-life victory on the issue was won in the House, defeat is almost certain in the Senate. Meanwhile, Operation Rescue has unveiled a new video revealing that Medicaid-funding of expensive late-term abortion continues in many states. The video includes dialogue between an undercover pro-life activist and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The activist pretended to be a woman who is at 26-weeks gestation and is seeking abortion because her husband has lost his job. She is advised by SWO that she can obtain an abortion at no charge through Medicaid and that the procedure’s cost is about $9,000.
SWO: Do you have insurance or Medicaid that you’re using?
Caller: I do have the pregnancy Medicaid.
SWO: Okay, so, if we would start this on, next week, on Tuesday…You know, you may…Well, actually, Medicaid covers the abortion in the State of New Mexico.
Caller: Oh, okay.
SWO: Yeah, so if you have the…you know, if you’re current on Medicaid for October then, actually, we can accept that.
Caller: Okay.
SWO: Yeah, yeah. It would cover the abortion.
Caller: How much is it? I’m just curious.
SWO: Um, well, you would probably be looking at a range of anywhere from eight to nine thousand dollars, with what you’re describing.
Caller: Alright, so I don’t have to worry about that, then, if myMedicaid is current.
SWO: Right. Correct. Yeah, as long as you have the presumptive or the pregnancy-related or full benefits. The Family Planning is the only Medicaid that does not cover the abortion.
Caller: Okay.
Though much has been done to educate the American public about the evils of abortion, and while a large percentage of Americans remain opposed to public funding of this hideous procedure, clearly we are still a very long way from achieving the goal of defunding even very expensive and brutal late-term abortions that are performed for almost any reason whatsoever. We are farther still from the goal — the most important of all in America — to end abortion once and for all.
“Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” – Ronald Reagan 1982