
Are double standards and corruption behind the attacks on Planned Parenthood’s opponents?

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After more than a year (and several dropped criminal charges), David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress have released another investigative video in which a Planned Parenthood abortionist details the physical strength needed to commit D&Es on preborn babies at 24 weeks, and also states that any decision that might be made to save a child accidentally born alive during an abortion would depend on “who’s in the room.”

For exposing these kinds of activities, Daleiden and his partner Sandra Merritt now face 15 felony charges in California.

As Cassy Fiano of Live Action News has already reported:

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra released a statement accusing Daleiden and Merritt of using “manufactured identities and a fictitious bioresearch company to meet women’s healthcare providers and covertly record the private discussions they initiated.” “The right to privacy is a cornerstone of California’s Constitution, and a right that is foundational in a free democratic society,” Becerra said. “We will not tolerate the criminal recording of confidential conversations.”

As Fiano also noted, there’s “a pretty significant problem” with all of this — one which didn’t start with Becerra. Former California attorney general (and now U.S. senator) Kamala Harris has had quite the cozy relationship with the abortion industry, as detailed by Live Action and Students for Life of America. Harris received campaign money from Planned Parenthood and launched an investigation into the Center for Medical Progress. Her office was also behind a raid on Daleiden’s home, confiscating CMP’s undercover videos.

The abortion industry and its friends in high places have come out in full force against the Center for Medical Progress’s efforts to expose corruption. Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have even sued CMP for their undercover recordings. The lawsuit is a curious one, considering that the industry has engaged in investigations of its own for years, as Live Action News’ Carole Novielli lays out in great detail. NARAL Pro-Choice America is particularly relentless in doing undercover work at crisis pregnancy centers. (Read the debunking of those investigations in parts one, two, and three by Live Action News’ Calvin Freiburger.)

Kamala Harris herself has a history of warring against the pro-life movement. California passed the Reproductive FACT Act, also known as the “bully” bill, a law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to go against their values and advertise where women can obtain abortions. Harris was listed as the defendant in cases challenged by these CPCs. She prided herself in having co-sponsored the bill, and even issued a statement applauding Governor Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) for signing the bill into law.

NARAL was heavily involved in lobbying for the Reproductive FACT Act, calling its passage “historic” and a “precedent.” The group has even been involved in spying on CPCs in the state to ensure their compliance with the law, telling its supporters that pro-lifers are the ones who are the “bullies.”

NARAL, and the pro-abortion officials they worked with, have not been so lucky everywhere, however.

As Dustin Siggins reported for in May 2014, Mongtomery County in Maryland dropped its defense of its own law targeting CPCs, which was supported by Planned Parenthood and NARAL. The law had been based in part on a 2006 “report” containing misinformation from Rep. Henry Waxman, of (you guessed it) California.

In January 2015, Siggins provided exclusive emails showing that NARAL had not only supported the bill, but was in cahoots with Montgomery County officials, and had helped to calculate strategies targeting pregnancy centers, including the Centro Tepeyac Silver Spring Women’s Center. Officials only dropped its defense of the law targeting CPCs after NARAL advised that they do so, instead focusing on these other strategies.

Council president George Leventhal acknowledged that the emails were authentic. Leventhal was apparently under the impression that Planned Parenthood facilities were “legitimate” and didn’t believe they would actually engage in coercing women into having abortions.

Sadly, California isn’t the only state with a “bully” law. An Illinois bill, signed into law by Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, where it was signed into law by Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, is now being challenged. The law requires doctors and pregnancy centers to make abortion referrals and advertise abortion’s supposed “benefits.”

If NARAL’s investigative work — faulty, debunked, and political though it may be — is good enough for places like the state of California, why isn’t the Center for Medical Progress’s investigative work good enough?

Knowing what we know of the workings of NARAL and Planned Parenthood, CMP’s work is even more crucial. The public deserves to know what their half a billion in annual taxpayer dollars is really paying for.

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