On Monday, pro-life group Human Coalition announced the launch of a new online resource center — for men. While the abortion industry repeatedly shames men for speaking out on abortion (unless of course, they are supporting it), Human Coalition is drawing attention to the way men have used abortion to exploit women, and they are offering ways to help solve the problem.
On the new website, AbortionExploitsWomen.com, Human Coalition explains:
Behind the calls for women’s right to choose, gender equality, and female empowerment, lies the ugly truth that men have used abortion to subjugate and exploit women for decades. Forty years after Roe v Wade, our culture believes abortion elevates women and men have no voice.
The site offers several resources to equip men to take part in defending women from exploitation and preborn life from unjust destruction, including the book Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women, by Human Coalition President Brian E. Fisher.
Baltimore Ravens star tight end Benjamin Watson praised Human Coalition’s work, as well as Fisher’s book:
It is past time for men to be the leaders, caretakers and protectors they were created to be. As with many other social injustices, abortion will not end until men stand up for both the lives of the innocent and the mothers in crisis. While it has been attractively packaged by some, abortion is the most egregious social injustice of our time. This book, as well as the work of Human Coalition, has and will continue to play a vital role in encouraging men to understand, confront, and embrace their responsibility in righting this wrong during what has proved to be a very unpopular time to do so. We cannot remain silent.
Watson is right. Human beings have a duty to protect and look out for one another, regardless of age and gender, and regardless of whether taking a stand for life is currently popular or unpopular. It is time that men stop being so easily convinced that they need to remain silent. Abortion affects all of us: men, women, and children.
Human Coalition’s Jeff Bradford, who was involved in an abortion long ago, explains, “My daughter, who would now be 25 years old, would be alive today if someone had stood in the gap for us. This is why education, communication and resources to equip men to stand up for our sons and daughters are so vital.”
AbortionExploitsWomen.com should prove to be an excellent resource for those men who are willing to “stand in the gap,” to face the judgment of big business abortion, and do what is right for women, children, and men. For powerful videos released by AbortionExploitsWomen and Human Coalition, go here.
Editor’s Note: If you are a man trying to help a woman in your life make a choice for life instead of abortion, please visit this additional resource for help.