On Thursday night, ABC and “Scandal” sank to a new all-time low (a difficult feat for the popular but scandalous “Scandal”). Star Olivia Pope had an abortion – in yet another attempt to cover for her affair with President Grant. Pope’s abortion was mockingly performed to “Silent Night.”
While it was appalling for ABC and “Scandal” to set the killing of a child to a song about the birth of a Child, it was even more appalling that Planned Parenthood celebrated the scene with pride and glee.
Once again, Planned Parenthood perpetuates the lie that, to be successful in their careers, women either a) cannot have children or b) must wait for the perfect timing to have children. Planned Parenthood proudly proclaimed that Olivia Pope was right to smile and be at peace about ending the life of her baby because she preferred her own career and her own image.
Remind me again how this message is empowering to women? In what sane world do we celebrate when a woman makes a choice between her career (or her education) and her child, pretending it’s “perfect,” and that there are no other humane options. Why do we celebrate a worldview that says women cannot allow their children the chance at life they themselves want? Why do ‘women’s rights’ organizations lie to women, attempting to convince them that success can only be reached by wading through the blood of their children? (Read a perspective from this successful, feminist attorney who says that abortion is not the choice for women.)
Planned Parenthood claims to support families (while it takes the lives of their youngest members). It claims to support mothers in crisis (while pushing them to believe abortion is their only option). Planned Parenthood acts like it’s ‘there’ for teens and college students, but does not have the supportive networks of StandUpGirl.com, Teen Mother Choices International, Embrace Grace, and pregnancy resource centers that truly come alongside young mothers (and mothers of all ages) and find a way to help meet their needs. The abortion giant also pretends to have women’s best interests at heart (while its cancer prevention services drastically decrease at the same time its abortions are on the rise).
Simply put, Planned Parenthood’s public face is a farce.
While it claims women can trust Planned Parenthood, it “cheers” while a child’s life is sickeningly stolen. The abortion giant falsely gives women the impression they can smile, muse peacefully, and sip a glass of wine while the strains of a melody about a mother and her Child play in the background. Planned Parenthood pretends abortion is actually that simple, that easy.
What a mockery to the millions of post-abortive women who have felt pain, wept tears, and been pierced through with sorrow. Planned Parenthood’s “cheering” slams these women to the ground, dismissing their life-altering experiences. Of course, when Planned Parenthood’s track record of lying to women, perpetuating the abuse of minor girls, and forcing abortions is considered, it makes sense that the abortion giant wants music to drown out the sound of death.
By celebrating death on a holiday that celebrates Life, Planned Parenthood joins hands with human rights violators all over the world. Those who place little value on human life view Christmas as a time to destroy, a time to selfishly choose ourselves, and a time to gain what we want from this world – all by taking the lives of our most innocent.
Thankfully, more than 2,000 years ago, a different unmarried woman chose to view her own preborn Child as a gift. The Child born on Christmas Day was protected by His parents from those who wanted to take His life, and on the original Silent Night, Life was welcomed, celebrated, and cheered – and the whole world was blessed.
Over 15,000 have signed a Live Action petition demanding that ABC end their promotion of abortion in their television programs.