ProtestABQ, a pro-life group in New Mexico, says they have uncovered documentation showing that registered nurse Vivianne Clark (license number RN-71112) – whom they claim is employed by Planned Parenthood of New Mexico – performed several abortions, some late-term, in violation of state law which requires that only licensed physicians perform abortions. The group has filed a formal complaint with the State’s Nursing Board.
Tara Shaver, spokesperson for ProtestABQ, told Live Action News that the group discovered the alleged illegal abortions through an IPRA request for Medicaid data, since New Mexico is one of 17 states that uses state money for abortions and report on the numbers annually. “You can see from the Medicaid data that she is doing first and second trimester abortions up to 24 weeks,” Shaver said.
Shaver sent Live Action News a copy of the report, dated 2013 and entitled, “New Mexico Pregnancy Terminations Paid in Calendar Year 2013,” noting that some of the services were performed in 2012, but were paid through Medicaid Managed Care Organizations. An analysis of the report shows that Medicaid paid a total of $160,007.51 for 811 abortions. The report listed several abortion doctors including Curtis Boyd, a late-term abortionist who operates in Albuquerque. In the report, Boyd was paid for several abortions he performed between 17 and 24 weeks.

Curtis Boyd Medicaid abortions, 2013 report provided by ProtestABQ
Vivianne M. Clark is also listed as receiving payments for abortions. In 2013, Clark received a total of $10,396.12 for 81 abortions, a majority which were performed between 17 and 24 weeks.
$6203.22 for 34 Induced Abortions – 17-24 Weeks
$2470.03 for 12 Induced abortion – 17 to 24 weeks
$364.29 for 1 – Induced abortion – 17-24 weeks
$1236.45 for 14 Mifepristone oral 200 mg abortions
$122.13 for 20- Misoprostol oral 200 mcg abortions

Vivianne M. Clark medicaid abortions report provided by ProtestABQ
According to ProtestABQ, the Medicaid data they obtained through a public records request indicates that New Mexico taxpayers have footed the bill for over 200 illegal abortions performed by Vivianne Clark. And reports provided to ProtestABQ show that Vivianne Clark was paid for abortions as far back as 2012:

Vivianne Clark 2012 paid medicaid abortions provided to ProtestABQ
Although the location where the abortions were performed is not noted on the reports, Shaver said that Clark is a nurse who works at Planned Parenthood of New Mexico (operated by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc.), pointing to this online business listing showing Clark as a Planned Parenthood nurse practitioner.
Listings at this website show two Planned Parenthood locations where Clark allegedly works, but there is no indication on the documents provided by ProtestABQ that the abortions were performed at Planned Parenthood. However, a search on the New Mexico Medical Board website, which provides and maintains physician data as part of its official website, shows that there is no licensed physician by the name of Vivianne Clark:
“It just so happens that the only law in New Mexico apparently not being enforced says that only physicians can perform abortions. She is violating a criminal statute and the penalty is a 4th felony,” Shaver said.
A copy of the formal complaint, provided to Live Action News and filed with the New Mexico Board of Nursing, reads in part:
I have attached proof that Ms. Clark has been reimbursed by New Mexico Medicaid from 2013 to 2013 for abortions she performed in the first and second trimesters, up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Ms. Clark’s actions are in violation of the New Mexico Criminal Abortion Statute (§ 30-5-1, et seq.)
I respectfully request that the Board of Nursing investigate this matter in the interest of public safety and that you take appropriate action against Ms. Clark, including revocation of her license if warranted, for her violation of New Mexico law.
“It is a disturbing fact that New Mexicans are funding an illegal abortionist through NM medicaid. The over 200 abortions that we have been able to document, based on the NM medicaid data, are only the tip of the iceberg as far as the total number of abortions Vivanne Clarke has performed over the years in clear violation of New Mexico law,” says Bud Shaver, executive director of Protest ABQ in a statement regarding their complaint.
“We are calling upon the New Mexico Nursing Board to do a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of this. Based on what we can already prove, Vivianne Clarke’s nursing license should be revoked immediately,” he added.
View the full report on New Mexico Medicaid paid abortions for 2013 here.