Tell the FDA to Retract Distribution of the Deadly Abortion Pill
In 2000, the FDA recklessly approved Mifeprex (mifepristone), disregarding normal drug approval protocols, placing political expediency above the health and safety of women. Since then, the abortion pill has killed nearly 6 million preborn children, and the number of babies whose lives are ended by this lethal method is skyrocketing. Over 50% of abortions in America are now committed by the abortion pill.
However, despite receiving over 4,000 reports of adverse events from women experiencing hemorrhage, excruciating abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections, the FDA has continued to make this death cocktail more accessible—allowing pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid to dispense the deadly drugs.
We must speak out. Tell the FDA to retract the distribution of the abortion pill and protect the Americans that they claim to serve. Add your name to the petition today!
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