Statement from Lila on Rep. Sean Duffy's remarks about abortion in the black community ARLINGTON, VA (January 13, 2016) – “The disproportionately high numbers of abortions and abortion clinics in minority... read more →
ARLINGTON, VA (January 8, 2016) – “President Obama, against the will of the people and the Congress that they elected, is forcing every taxpaying American to subsidize the nation's biggest abortion... read more →
ARLINGTON, VA (January 6, 2016) – Statement from Live Action president Lila Rose on the House of Representatives today passing H.R. 3762, which would end over $400 million of the... read more →
December 4, 2015 -- "The voices of millions of Americans were heard: Taxpayers should not be forced to fund an organization that kills over 320,000 preborn children every year and... read more →
Arlington, VA (November 13, 2015) "While no woman or preborn child is safe in an abortion clinic, it ought to raise huge red flags that the abortion industry is willing to... read more →
March 31, 2015 CONTACT: Becky Yeh, Even a single taxpayer dollar used for the destruction of helpless children would be a horrifying revelation. But the latest GAO report shows that abortion-pushers in the United... read more →
October 19, 2015 -- "I applaud the state of Texas for no longer allowing Planned Parenthood to receive Medicaid money. Texas’s inspector general concluded what Live Action’s investigations have shown for... read more →
Live Action president Lila Rose addressed members in Brussels today “horrified” over Planned Parenthood scandal BRUSSELS (October 15, 2015) – Today, American pro-life leader Lila Rose keynoted a meeting at... read more →
October 13, 2015: "Planned Parenthood’s announcement today doesn’t change the fact that its executives got caught on camera talking about illegally profiting off the sale of baby body parts, admitting... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose on showing of Live Action videos at Congressional hearing October 8, 2015: “Live Action’s “Inhuman” and “Profits from Pain” investigative videos shown at the House hearing today... read more →