October 6, 2015: “It breaks my heart that my home state of California is legalizing assisted suicide. Instead of focusing on end-of-life care and pain management, this law effectively tells... read more →
“President Obama and some in Congress have opted to keep taxpayer funds flowing to Planned Parenthood, even though the nation’s largest abortion chain is under four congressional investigations, and several... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose on Planned Parenthood funding September 30, 2015: “President Obama and some in Congress have opted to keep taxpayer funds flowing to Planned Parenthood, even though the... read more →
September 29, 2015: “No matter what her spin, Cecile Richards’ words can’t take back what high-ranking officials at Planned Parenthood already said when they didn’t realize they were being recorded. ... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on Senate failure to pass the Pain Capable bill September 15, 2015: Today’s failure of the Senate to pass a law preventing most... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on 10th video in baby parts scandal September 15, 2015: The newest video by Center for Medical Progress shows at what length... read more →
Press Release (September 14, 2015) – In a memo to congressional leaders today, including the leaders of committees holding hearings, Lila Rose, the president of leading pro-life organization Live Action,... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on 8th video in baby parts scandal August 25, 2015: "This new video is yet another confirmation of what the seven other videos... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on 6th video in Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal August 12, 2015: “We can now add harvesting baby organs without the consent of... read more →
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on Donald Trump’s waffling over defunding Planned Parenthood August 11, 2015: "Trump's vacillation on Planned Parenthood funding is deeply troubling, and reveals an ignorance about their... read more →