April 7, 2014 -- Live Action went to New York for our Inhuman investigation for a reason: this is one of America's most pro-abortion states, with an outrageously high abortion... read more →
March 27, 2014 -- Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, sought the elimination of "human weeds" and those "unfit" to "breed," including African-Americans and the disabled. Those who receive Planned Parenthood's highest... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NOVEMBER 15, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Hotel Profiting from "Room-Service Abortions" in Albuquerque "Late-Term Abortion Capital of the US" to face historic late-term abortion ban Tuesday Arlington VA... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NOVEMBER 14, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG "Profits from Pain": Live Action Exposes Dangerous Late-Term Abortion Procedure in Albuquerque Vote on "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance" to Take Place... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 28, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG BREAKING: Texas Judge Halts Life-Saving Provision for Women Promotes "Wild West" for Abortionists Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose: Yet another... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 17, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Live Action Slams Congressional Debt Deal "Shows Blatant Contempt for Our Conscience Rights" Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose: Last night,... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 9, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG ObamaCare Exchanges Actively Hiding Abortion Funding Information "Either Completely Unavailable or Incredibly Difficult to Obtain" Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose:... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG 'True Compassion': CNN Recognizes Humanity of Pre-Born Baby in Remee Lee Case Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose: Remee Lee's boyfriend... read more →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 28, 2013 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG California Moves to Expand Abortion State Bill Would Allow Non-Physicians to Perform Abortions Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose: The pro-abortion... read more →
Statement from Live Action: We are delighted to receive the news of the GAO’s investigation of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups. It is past time that these organizations be... read more →