Full Petition Text: Tell the FDA to Retract Distribution of the Deadly Abortion Pill

Dear Members of the Food and Drug Administration,

In 2000, you recklessly approved Mifeprex (mifepristone), chemical abortion drugs that violently end the lives of human persons in the womb. Additionally, these pills put mothers at risk of serious – even lethal – complications.

Your mission as an organization is to ensure drugs are safe and effective in preserving the lives and health of Americans. But you have flagrantly disregarded normal drug approval protocols championing efficiency and political expediency above the health and safety of the American people you claim to protect.

Approving chemical abortion drugs violates your legal obligation to protect the health, safety and welfare of girls and women, not to mention the lives of preborn children. You have never studied the safety of these abortion drugs under the labeled conditions of use. Instead, you have blatantly ignored the impacts of their hormone-blocking regimen on the developing bodies of adolescent girls. Doing this disregards substantial evidence that chemical abortion drugs are 4x as dangerous than surgical abortions, which are not safe either.

You have eliminated necessary safeguards for pregnant girls and women who undergo this dangerous regimen.

Since you first approved the abortion pill, 5.6 million preborn children have been chemically destroyed by this pill. Additionally, there have been 28 reported maternal deaths associated with the drug mifepristone. Despite receiving over 4,000 reports of adverse events from women experiencing hemorrhage, excruciating abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections, you have continued to make this death cocktail more accessible.

For women who take your approved pill, they face complications that could result in ER or urgent care visits. This pill does not heal women, it harms them.

Ingesting this pill is hazardous. The Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists state that this pill poses a four-times higher risk of complication than surgical abortion. 

When you made the regulatory change to lift the in-person requirement enabling chemical abortion pills by mail, you weakened the risk of evaluation mitigation strategy (REMS) which required the abortion pill to be prescribed and dispensed at a healthcare setting, clinic, or hospital by a qualified medical professional.

Approving chemical abortion pill distribution is horrendous. These pills kill.

Historically, the abortion pill has only been prescribed by hospitals and clinicians (most often at abortion facilities) and under medical supervision. Having access to the abortion pill at local pharmacies is a deadly shift, not only because it makes it easier to kill preborn children, but also because women will not receive the medical oversight needed. For example, if a woman has an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, taking an abortion pill can be lethal.

You have the power to pull the abortion pill from the market today and declare the abortion drug an imminent hazard to public health.

We demand that you retract distribution of the abortion pill, reject approving new abortion drugs, and resist the effort by the abortion industry to lift REMS and allow dangerous, unsupervised do-it-yourself abortions.

We repeat: 28 women have died in association with this pill. 5.6 million preborn children have violently suffered poison slowly for hours until death from this pill took their lives forever.

Do not add to this death count.

You can retract distribution of the abortion pill.

Do not be pressured into the very thing you exist to prevent.

Do not distribute death.

If you distribute chemical abortion pills, you will kill the next generation of Americans.

The blood of tiny innocent children in the womb who will violently suffer and suffocate slowly from the chemical abortion pills you distribute will haunt you.

Their blood is on your hands.

Do not distribute death. Women will die. Children will die. Because this pill kills.


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