Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has not committed any abortions at his Germantown, Maryland, facility since October 30, 2016, according to Operation Rescue.
Local sources told Operation Rescue that Carhart showed up at his Germantown Reproductive Health Services facility on November 8 “but stayed only a few hours, sending several very late-term patients home without abortions. He left later in the afternoon and never returned.”
Operation Rescue notes that in the past, Carhart’s facility aborted babies in the third trimester — something that many falsely believe women choose only in the case of severe fetal abnormality or in a life-threatening situation. In reality, abortionists have admitted that women choose late-term abortion for other reasons such as not knowing they were pregnant, not wanting to be a parent, or being fearful about the pregnancy.
Live Action News’ Sarah Terzo reported that one Texas late-term abortionist admitted that a woman in a “hard case” situation is “not the typical patient I see, as most women having abortions are not raped or are not carrying a lethally flawed fetus.” Late-term abortionist Warren Hern has also admitted that late-term abortion decisions “are usually made on the basis of such factors as desire or lack of desire for parenthood, stability of relationships, educational status, emotional status, or economic status, among others.” (Notice that fetal abnormality and the mother’s physical health aren’t even mentioned.) The late abortionist George Tiller also stated that approximately 92% of his late-term abortions were done on healthy babies.
The procedure is barbaric, no matter how it is looked at. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains the late-term induction abortion procedure in the video below:
Carhart reportedly still operates a facility in Bellevue, Nebraska, where he commits abortions up to 20 weeks.
At least eight women have been transported from Carhart’s Maryland facility to emergency rooms, says Operation Rescue, and “one of his third-trimester patients, Jennifer Morbelli, died in 2013 from complications to her procedure.”
Operation Rescue also notes:
Earlier this year, a Federal lawsuit was filed against Carhart for a seriously botched late-term abortion that came close to costing the life of another one of his patients. He also faced the scrutiny of the House Select Panel on Infant Lives, which issued subpoenas to him and GRHS for documents related to the suspected trafficking of aborted baby remains and the deaths of babies who may have been born alive during abortions at the Germantown facility.
LeRoy Carhart was featured in the pro-abortion documentary “After Tiller.” He was also the subject of a Live Action undercover investigation in the Inhuman series, in which he lied to an undercover investigator, claiming that women had not been harmed at his facility.
Live Action News’ Cassy Fiano previously reported that complaints against Carhart go back decades and include allegations that he altered charts, fell asleep during procedures, and more:
Employees have also come forward to speak out about Carhart and the disgusting conditions he keeps his clinics in, including leaving blood on surgical instruments. Employees have also alleged illegal drug use among Carhart’s employees, and stated that narcotics would frequently go missing. He’s also been caught illegally dumping biohazardous waste, patient records, and dangerous drugs.
If indeed Carhart has halted abortions for good at his Maryland facility, this is good news for preborn babies and their mothers, who are both safer when abortionists go out of business.