Last year, the House of Representatives voted to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Similar legislation had previously passed the House in 2015, but was blocked in the Senate. Authored by Rep. Trent Franks, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed with a 237 to 189 vote. While the abortion lobby frequently fights late-term abortion bans, most Americans support banning abortion after 20 weeks. The United States is also one of only seven countries that allows abortion after 20 weeks, making our position extreme compared to the rest of the world.
Scientists have been able to determine that preborn children are not only capable of feeling pain, but the pain may be even more excruciating, due to the development of neurological mechanisms while in the womb. Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, shows how brutal and violent these procedures are.
And while the abortion industry often tries to downplay the humanity of preborn babies, the proof makes it indisputable. These photos, courtesy of Images of Abortion, show that these babies are human beings. They also show the gruesome aftermath of late-term abortions. These images of aborted preborn children in the second trimester are not easy to look at — they are heart-wrenching and unsettling.
Caution: Contains some graphic images.
These disturbing images prove that these are human beings being killed, not clumps of tissue or products of conception. They are people, who deserve better than such a violent and gruesome death. When the Senate votes on the 20 week abortion ban, hopefully they’ll remember these preborn babies and the hundreds of thousands like them.