Knowledge is power, right? To be a credible pro-life activist, you need to know what you’re talking about. People will trust you only if they trust that you are sharing the truth. Reading pro-life books is a great way to learn more about our movement. In 2013, resolve to learn more and read a few of these books!
1. Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn
This is an easy-to-read logical book that walks you through the major arguments presented by abortion supporters. Learn logical ways to answer their arguments with truth.
2. Why pro-life? by Randy Alcorn
Like the last book, this walks you through logical reasoning behind pro-life beliefs. This is a short book that is awesome to hand to a friend who may be on the fence about abortion.
3. unPlanned by Abby Johnson
As a former Planned Parenthood worker, Abby Johnson reveals her story behind her time at Planned Parenthood and the working environment she was in for years. Her conversion story inspires readers to reach out to clinic workers and get uncomfortable standing up for life.
4. Planned Bullyhood by Karen Handel
Read the truth about the battle between Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood.
5. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
This book is set in a futuristic America where abortion is illegal, but parents are allowed to “unwind” (surgically take apart for organ donation) their children from age 13 to 18. While this is not a specifically pro-life book, the story of three “unwinds” keeps you on the edge of your seat.
6. The Liberal Case Against Abortion by Vasu Murti
Without using religion, Murti explores the case against abortion.
7. Three Approaches to Abortion by Peter Kreeft
In a logical and philosophic way, Kreeft explores the abortion issue with three main approaches.
8. A Bump in Life by Amy Ford
This is a collection of stories documenting stories of of hope and courage when women chose life for their babies. This book will come out in October 2013.
9. The Hand of God by Bernard Nathenson
A former abortionist who performed over 75,000 abortions, Nathenson discusses his story and what led to his conversion.
10. Fighting for Dear Life by David Gibbs
This book reveals the untold story of Terri Schiavo and discusses end-of-life pro-life issues.
There is so, so much to know about the pro-life movement! What books have you read that have affected you as a pro-life activist? In 2013, let’s learn even more by reading these and other books. Share your ideas in the comments below so we can find new books to read in 2013!