January 1 is an awesome day. People resolve to lose that extra 10 pounds, eat healthier, or do something they’ve been putting off forever. The problem is, though, that these resolutions are quickly forgotten. It’s hard to drastically change your life. But what if all the work put into a resolution meant changing someone else’s life? What if a change in your life saved a life?
Here’s an incredible thing: you can change someone’s life. You can even save someone’s life. Doesn’t that rock? By resolving to get more involved in the pro-life movement in 2013, I can pretty much guarantee that your life will be changed. I’ve been involved for a little over a year now, and I can’t tell you how much my life has changed. The battle for life is getting more intense every day. Will you join us in 2013?
Here is a list of ideas (in no particular order) for how you can resolve to be active in the pro-life movement this year. Choose a few and stick with them!
1. Pray.
Pray for an end to abortion. Pray for the conversion of clinic workers. Pray for post-abortive mothers and fathers, abortion survivors, abortion-bound women, adoptive parents, and all who are involved in the pro-life movement. Include these and other pro-life intentions in your daily prayers, or add an extra rosary or special prayer for them.
2. Find your local abortion clinic and get outside.
Make your presence known. Get together a group of friends and sidewalk-counsel, or pray outside local clinics. It can be hard to do the first time, but doing what is right often makes us uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone and resolve to spread the truth about life outside clinics!
3. Find your local pregnancy center and get involved.
No matter how active you are in the pro-life movement, our work would be in vain if we did not have alternatives for women who are considering abortion. Figure out where your local pregnancy center is and resolve to donate your time, talent, and/or treasure to help them help women in need.
4. Get Inspired.
Walk for Life or March for Life if you live close enough to a coast. If you don’t live very close to a coast, take time to make it to the walk or march or find one happening near you!
5. Make a difference.
If you’ve never participated in a 40 Days for Life campaign, do it this spring! If you’ve done it before, do it again! Find your local campaign here.
6. Learn to sidewalk-counsel.
Sidewalk-counseling is not for everyone, but this is one of the ways we can directly change a woman’s life forever. Get trained how to SWC, and read how-tos here and here.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IcrwFkOJ7Y?list=PLCBA74FD2B8724C04&w=560&h=315]
7. Post a pro-life status on your social network profiles.
Do your friends and family know you are a pro-life advocate? Let the people in your life know how passionate you are about saving lives, and make sure they know they can come to you anytime for help or to ask questions.
8. Organize a drive for a local pro-life organization.
Diaper drives, maternity clothes, baby food – the list goes on and on! Check with your local pregnancy center to see what they need and help them stay stocked for mothers in need.
See: 10 pro-life books to read in 2013
10. Educate yourself.
Do you know when a baby’s heart starts to beat? How many abortions does Planned Parenthood perform every year? To be a credible pro-life advocate, you need to be able to answer people’s questions! Read our articles here at Live Action and look for the book list for more great resources. Knowledge is power.
We can end abortion together if our resolve is strong and if we are determined to end it once and for all. How are you going to help us get closer to the end of abortion in 2013?