Here are 10 reasons why a civilized nation that cares about the rights of women and children ought to support the permanent defunding of Planned Parenthood. The organization’s widespread corruption should be particularly concerning to human rights activists and taxpayers in general, who are forced to pay for the ‘services’ Planned Parenthood performs.
1. Planned Parenthood takes the lives of over 300,000 innocent children every year.

A baby at only 7 weeks, 4 days – when many abortions take place. (See for more scientifically accurate photos and videos.)
If we are indeed a humane nation, the last organization we taxpayers should be funding is one that so cavalierly takes the lives of innocent human beings day after day, with no remorse. (To read about one of Planned Parenthood’s most commonly used abortion methods, go here. For a description of two common first trimester abortion methods – written by a former PP director – read this and this.)
2. Planned Parenthood has broken numerous federal and state laws.
The baby parts scandal at Planned Parenthood (first revealed by CMP’s investigative footage over the summer) has drawn attention to the rampant lawbreaking at PP. In “A guide to how Planned Parenthood is breaking the law,” Live Action News breaks down exactly how PP is killing babies who survive abortion attempts, selling baby body parts for apparent profit, illegally changing abortion procedures for the purpose of harvesting and selling these same baby body parts, committing partial-birth abortions, likely participating in criminal conspiracy, and much more.
3. Planned Parenthood continues to fail minor girls, turning them back to their abusers after profiting off their suffering.
In September, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) released a detailed, researched report on Planned Parenthood’s cover-up of child sexual abuse in at least seven states.
After this, it came out that Planned Parenthood has also been failing to report the potential abuse of minor girls in an eighth state – Pennsylvania. In Colorado, Planned Parenthood paid out a large, secret settlement to a 13-year-old girl’s mother after a judge commented that PP’s conduct with the girl was so outrageous that punitive damages would be appropriate.
4. Planned Parenthood commits Medicaid and taxpayer fraud.

For more info, go here.
Another report released by ADF detailed millions in taxpayer fraud committed by Planned Parenthood – discovered by state and public audits. Live Action News explained:
The report outlines how 45 public audits of Planned Parenthood affiliates, along with 57 audits of state family planning programs, found waste, fraud, and abuse to the tune of $129.7 million.
In addition to uncovering taxpayer fraud at Planned Parenthood, ADF also discovered that Planned Parenthood has engaged in improper billing with Medicaid, billing in excess of the actual cost, billing for services that were not necessary, and making duplicate bills. Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid fraud contributed to the total amount of all improperly billed federal Medicaid payments in the nation, which equaled $14.4 billion in 2013 alone.
5. Planned Parenthood acts as though it is above the law and pretends it shouldn’t have to answer to the people.
When asked to testify before Congress, Planned Parenthood complains that the questions are uncivil and “sexist” that the questioning continues for too long. When Ohio discovers that PP is violating health laws, PP sues the state – accusing it of trying to outlaw abortion. When subpoened by a state senate committee that is reviewing abortion practices in Missouri, PP decides it doesn’t have to comply. No matter that the taxpayers gave over $1.5 billion to PP in a mere three years, the abortion giant insists by its actions that it doesn’t have to answer to anyone and is free to do as it pleases.
6. Planned Parenthood lies to the American public about fetal development, mammograms, and its own business practices.
This one is rather tiresome, because PP eagerly spouts lies almost every chance it gets, but check reports and videos here, here, and here.
7. Planned Parenthood has widespread health and safety violations at its locations throughout the country.
In Pennsylvania, PP stores baby parts in a janitor’s closet. Illegal. In Florida, PP commits second-trimester abortions without the license to do so. Illegal. In Colorado, PP was caught on tape failing to warn a minor of serious health risks. In Georgia, a TV station did its own investigation at PP and found the following:
8. Planned Parenthood breaks political donation laws, using taxpayer money to do so.
Just days ago, Live Action News reported:, a left-leaning site that tracks political spending, has found three Planned Parenthood affiliates among the organizations who exceeded the legal limit on political spending between 2008 and 2013.
The IRS requires nonprofits that register as “social welfare” organizations to operate primarily for the promotion of social welfare, which means less than half of their total spending can be for political activity. But according to the report, Planned Parenthood St. Louis spent between 65.8% and 95.7% on political donations in the time period examined, Planned Parenthood in Orange and San Bernardino, California spent 56.6% in 2009, and Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocacy spent 51.2% in 2010.
9. Planned Parenthood sends aborted baby remains to landfills instead of complying with state laws.
In Ohio, Planned Parenthood illegally dumps (or hires a company that dumps) aborted babies into landfills. In South Carolina, PP dumps aborted babies in a landfill (see a pattern here?) and is being fined for the violation. This information just recently came out when states investigated, which means it’s likely that PP is doing the same thing illegally in many more states.
Of course, disposing of babies’ aborted bodies in strange ways is nothing new to the abortion industry. At a secretly taped National Abortion Federation conference, abortion providers were caught sharing their “enthusiasm for the burning of aborted babies into ‘energy’ to power homes.”
10. Planned Parenthood can be replaced by effective health care providers.
Despite its claims, PP is not even close to the women’s health care provider. While the abortion giant owns under 700 clinics around the nation, there are over 13,000 comprehensive health care providers (including CHCs) that specifically serve low-income women and their families – all without providing abortions. More details can be found here and here, and the 13,000 providers can be located at
Despite PP’s claims of serving women, this article details the incredibly small percentage of women who actually go to a PP. According to another article:
These CHCs, [community health centers] along with other federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) have over 13,500 locations nationwide (compared to Planned Parenthood’s 665). They serve eight times the number of people Planned Parenthood sees, at over 21 million a year, compared to PP’s 2.7 million.
The CHCs have stellar records on how many low-income women receive cancer screenings and breast exams (85.2 and 74.5 percent) – rivaling the national average for women of any income bracket (73.1 and 81.2 percent). Planned Parenthood, not so much. Their record is dismal, and the numbers show it: somewhere between 17 and 32 percent of their patients receive similar screenings. Add this to the fact that 62 percent of “uninsured women received recommended mammography screening” at CHCs, and 0 percent received them at Planned Parenthood because – as a nationwide Live Action investigation demonstrated – PP doesn’t even offer this service.
Bills that would permanently defund Planned Parenthood redirect the money to clinics that give health care (without abortion) to low-income women and their families. Accurate polling shows the majority of Americans support this.