Sunday marks the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the United States. Planned Parenthood execs are hard at work putting the spin on an ugly history of betraying mothers and their babies. One such anniversary effort is the #100YearsStrong campaign, a social media celebration of Planned Parenthood. In response, pro-lifers are taking October 16 as an opportunity to use the hashtag #100YearsWrong.
All the positive press for Planned Parenthood fails to mention that the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist whose stated goal was to rid the world of “human weeds.” They also don’t tell you that from this problematic beginning, Planned Parenthood has grown to an abortion business plagued with scandal.
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in the United States (you could say the abortion corporation of America), committing 320,000 abortions per year, ending the lives of as many preborn babies. Planned Parenthood is currently being investigated by the federal government and several state governments for allegedly selling the body parts of aborted babies. (One of the fetal parts companies that received body parts from Planned Parenthood has just had a lawsuit filed against them by the Orange County District Attorney.)
As if that’s not enough reason to say Planned Parenthood is #100YearsWrong, let’s take a look at Planned Parenthood’s claim that they are celebrating “100 years of health care, education & activism.”
- Health care: Planned Parenthood receives more than half a billion dollars in government funding each year for its health care services. Deluded Planned Parenthood supporters would have you believe there’s a constant stream of mammography and other life-saving cancer screenings happening at your local abortion provider. The reality is a bit different. Although the abortion giant does perform some basic cancer screenings (such as Pap smears and breast exams), Planned Parenthood’s own president, Cecile Richards, admitted that Planned Parenthood does not have a single mammogram machine and does not provide mammograms. What’s more, Planned Parenthood affiliates have been charged with multiple instances of Medicaid fraud, even charging taxpayers for birth control for women who were already sterilized. While tax dollars can’t be used to pay for abortions directly, Planned Parenthood is hard at work to have the Hyde Amendment thrown out. The facts indicate that Planned Parenthood isn’t primarily concerned with health care; they’re in the abortion business. Would your tax dollars be better spent at a federally qualified heath center that actually provides mammograms?
- Education: Planned Parenthood claims to be the largest provider of sex ed in the country. Misguided legislators often tout Planned Parenthood’s education programs as scientifically accurate information aimed at guiding young people to making healthy choices. A look at the curricula suggests otherwise. Perhaps their most glaring error is the absolute refusal to acknowledge the scientific fact that life begins at conception. From doling out misinformation and low quality condoms, to encouraging dangerous sexual practices and predatory relationships, Planned Parenthood has shown time and again that the best interest of children is not their specialty.
- Activism: The activism of Margaret Sanger’s day was focused on eliminating the people she deemed undesirables. Today, Planned Parenthood’s “activism” consists almost entirely of supporting the most pro-abortion candidates they can find to ensure their continued funding through their political arm, the Planned Parenthood Action Committee. They also pay “activists” to attend rallies in support of their cause.
Planned Parenthood kills more babies in the womb than any other business in America, defrauds taxpayers, endangers teens, and uses their political influence to ensure their own continued funding. No matter how much pink you put on a history of eugenics, criminal activity, and abortion, Planned Parenthood is still #100YearsWrong.