On Tuesday, Live Action released a new investigative video in its Abortion Corporation series. While much more is to come, one foundational truth has been revealed: when women need prenatal care, Planned Parenthood isn’t the one to turn to. After all, Planned Parenthood’s focus is abortion. (Even Google knows this.)
After making phone calls and in-person visits to 97 clinics, Live Action investigators found that prenatal care for women was basically nonexistent at Planned Parenthood facilities. Here are 13 of the most outrageous things said to women by Planned Parenthood staffers across the country:
- Real specialty revealed: “We don’t offer prenatal care at Planned Parenthood…we specialize in abortions.” — Farmington, New Mexico, Planned Parenthood
- Pregnant women = taboo: “But if you’re pregnant, we don’t see pregnant women.” — Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Planned Parenthood
- Obviously, OBs are more qualified: “We don’t do any prenatal care; you would have to call an OB clinic to do that.” — Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Planned Parenthood
- It’s just not us: “We’re not a prenatal care provider.” — Fort Collins, Colorado, Planned Parenthood
- I mean, all we have is nurses: “We don’t do prenatal care….” No Planned Parenthoods in the area do prenatal care “because we have nurse practicitioners and you need an OBGYN.” — St. Louis, Missouri, Planned Parenthood
- It’s just too bad: “Unfortunately, none of our clinics offer prenatal care.” — St. Paul, Minnesota, Planned Parenthood
- Please, honey, the answer is no: “Hun, we don’t do prenatal, hun. Noooo.” — Honolulu, Hawaii, Planned Parenthood
- Come to think of it…: “We actually don’t provide prenatal care within Planned Parenthood.” — Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Planned Parenthood
- Not even kind of: “We actually don’t offer prenatal care at all.” — Anchorage, Alaska, Planned Parenthood
- A little repetitive by now: “No Planned Parenthoods provide prenatal care.” — Des Moines, Iowa, Planned Parenthood
- Get the message, ok?: “We don’t do prenatal. We just don’t do prenatal, ok.” — Dover, Delaware, Planned Parenthood
- Because obviously you need Planned Parenthood for something you can do at home: “We don’t offer any prenatal care. No Planned Parenthood in MN provides prenatal care beyond like a urine pregnancy test.” — Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, Planned Parenthood
- It’s just not what we’re about: “We wouldn’t provide any type of prenatal services here at Planned Parenthood.” — Athens, Ohio, Planned Parenthood
You can watch more of Planned Parenthood’s insistence that they do not do prenatal care in the video below:
According to Planned Parenthood’s own words, they’re just not going to help women who want to keep their babies, ok?