If you take Planned Parenthood leaders at their word, then you probably view the organization as a law-abiding non-profit that exists to help people live healthy lives. If you dig a bit and understand that things aren’t always what they seem, you probably view Planned Parenthood with some skepticism. How much negative press can one organization receive before the majority of people begin to realize said organization is up to no good? Planned Parenthood has abortion quotas to fill. In order to reach those quotas and bring in the big bucks, Planned Parenthood must schedule and carry out abortions, even if it means helping rapists along the way.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia have mandatory reporting laws regarding suspected sexual abuse that typically include statutory rape. Live Action has caught Planned Parenthood aiding rapists and pimps in undercover investigations in the past. But not only have staff members helped undercover assailants, they have also made it easy for actual rapists to continue the abuse by covering up the crimes for them. While it’s impossible to say how many times this has happened, here are the ones we know about, thanks to a 2015 report by Alliance Defending Freedom.
- 14-year-old victim (Alabama): Staff at Planned Parenthood in Mobile, Alabama, failed to report the suspected sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl who came to the facility for two abortions. According to a report from the Alabama Department of Public Health, the facility is required by law to report possible cases of abuse, but failed to do so. The young girl already had two children. Dr. Don Williamson, head of the ADPHP, said there were a “number of issues” found at the abortion facility during a routine survey, including poor record keeping and failure to follow proper sterilization procedures and hand-washing protocols. The case of the 14-year-old girl was of the most concern to him.
- 12-year-old victim (Arizona): Court documents show that a 12-year-old girl in foster care was assaulted by her 23-year-old foster brother. When she became pregnant, he took her to Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona for an abortion a week before her 13th birthday. The abortion facility failed to report the abuse, which continued after the abortion. Six months later, he returned to Planned Parenthood with the girl for a second abortion. Five days later, Planned Parenthood finally notified authorities. The young girl eventually filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona for failure to report the abuse, therefore allowing it to continue.
- 15-year-old victim (Arizona): A 15-year-old girl who was being sexually abused went to Planned Parenthood of Arizona’s Tempe facility with her mother, who was told by the staff that it would be a “hassle” to report the abuse of the girl to authorities. The staff member instead coded the girl’s case as consensual sex. The assailant, Tyler Kost, went on to abuse more girls and was eventually charged with numerous counts of sexual assault. Some of those incidences occurred after Planned Parenthood failed to report the abuse.
- 14-year-old victim (California): In the 1980s, Andrew King, a 61-year-old swimming coach who abused girls over a number of years impregnated at least one girl, just 14 years old. She went to Planned Parenthood in California for an abortion and the facility failed to report the abuse. Authorities only learned of his continued sexual misconduct after another victim brought charges against him. King was convicted of sexually abusing countless girls.
- 13-year-old victim (California): A 13-year-old girl was taken to a California Planned Parenthood by her step-father, Gary Cross. A pregnancy test was performed and it was found that the girl was over five months pregnant. Rather than contacting the girl’s mother and authorities, Planned Parenthood referred her for a late-term abortion. Cross continued to rape the girl for months and was eventually convicted.
- 13-year-old victim (California): A 13-year-old girl in California was the victim of sexual abuse and rape by her father, Edgar Ramirez. She was taken to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, which Planned Parenthood committed without alerting authorities. She was later taken to Planned Parenthood for a second abortion and was given an IUD. The facility again failed the girl by not contacting authorities. Ramirez was eventually prosecuted.
- 13-year-old victim (Colorado): An abusive stepfather brought his 13-year-old stepdaughter to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado for an abortion. The man referred to himself as the girl’s father yet she only called him “Tim” during the abortion visit. Despite this glaring warning sign, the girl’s age and the request by the rapist for birth control, Planned Parenthood failed to report the possibility of abuse and sent the girl home with her rapist, who continued to rape her until the girl told her mother about the abuse two months later. It was at the emergency room that the mother learned of the abortion and the birth control. The mother filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for failing to inform her and the authorities.
- 14-year-old victim (Connecticut): 41-year-old Adam Gault brought a 14-year-old girl to Planned Parenthood in Connecticut for an abortion. The facility did not report the suspected rape and the girl continued to be abused. He had been keeping the girl locked in a small room in his home, raping her on a regular basis. She was held captive for a year before police discovered her.
- 14-year-old victim (Connecticut): In another case, a 14-year-old girl was impregnated by 21-year-old Kevon Walker three times over six months. He continued to bring her to Planned Parenthood in Norwich, Connecticut, for abortions but Planned Parenthood failed to report the statutory rape as required by law.
- 13-year-old victim (Kansas): Planned Parenthood failed to report the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by her 19-year-old boyfriend. The abortionist, Dr. Allen Palmer, also broke state laws by not sending the fetal remains to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. According to The Sentinel, between 2002 and 2003, 166 girls under the age of 15 had abortions at facilities in Kansas, many at Planned Parenthood in Overland Park. Just two of them were reported for possible abuse, and that didn’t happen until after the cases were already in the news.
- 14-year-old victim (Minnesota): A 42-year-old man in Minnesota was prosecuted for sexually abusing his son’s 14-year-old girlfriend. Court documents show that he groomed her by buying her items such as jewelry, clothing, and underwear from Victoria’s Secret. He forced her to have sex with him, telling her that “[S]ex relaxes me so much. Why don’t you help me relax?” He took the girl to Planned Parenthood for birth control and they failed to report suspected abuse.
- 16-year-old victim (Ohio): Sexually abused by her father for three years, 16-year-old Denise became pregnant and her abusive father took her to Planned Parenthood in Southwest Ohio for an abortion. She told Planned Parenthood staff that she was being forced to have sex with him, yet they failed to alert the authorities. They sent Denise home with her father, where she continued to be raped for another year and a half. She sued Planned Parenthood and her father was sent to prison.
- 14-year-old victim (Ohio): A 14-year-old girl was brought to Planned Parenthood in Ohio for an abortion by her 22-year-old soccer coach, who had been sexually assaulting her. The clinic failed to notify her parents or authorities as required by law. They also failed to wait the required 24 hours before committing the abortion. The parents sued Planned Parenthood and the coach was convicted of sexual battery.
- 12-year-old victim (Ohio): Ohio Planned Parenthood facility failed to report the sexual abuse of a 12-year-old girl. Joseph Coles, boyfriend and eventual husband of the girl’s mother, had sexually abused and raped the girl for several years, and she became pregnant twice. After each of these pregnancies, she had abortions at two facilities, including Planned Parenthood. Neither Planned Parenthood nor the other facility notified the authorities, violating state laws and sending the girl back to be raped. Eventually, Coles was convicted after the girl told her mother and she called authorities.
- Pre-teen victim (Washington): 31-year-old Luis Gonzalez-Jose received six years in prison for raping a young girl in Washington. He took her to Planned Parenthood for an abortion where the girl told the staff that her 14-year-old boyfriend impregnated her. Instead of becoming suspicious and reporting suspected abuse when the girl could not provide the fake boyfriend’s address or name, Planned Parenthood committed the abortion and sent her back with her rapist. Six weeks later, she told authorities the truth.
Planned Parenthood has a history of failing to report possible rapes and allowing rapists to continue to assault their victims. It’s just one of the reasons the abortion corporation should be defunded.