Since the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials engaging in illegal activity, five states have moved to remove funds from the abortion giant. Now, the Florida Family Policy Council has launched a campaign to defund Planned Parenthood in Florida. But the Governor, who is pro-life, still seems hesitant to take further action.
The office of Governor Rick Scott has expressed reluctance to defund Planned Parenthood, claiming that the funding is “guided through the federal Medicaid formula in compliance with federal law.” There are at least three obvious reasons why it’s time for Gov. Scott to take action and defund the abortion giant – now…
1. Earlier this year Florida’s investigation caught Planned Parenthood performing illegal second trimester abortions.
Florida Family Policy Council president John Stemberger argues that Planned Parenthood’s illegal actions are ample reason for the state to take action. “Health care contracts are canceled all the time by the governor for unqualified providers that engage in problems,” said Stemberger. “It’s a no-brainer to disqualify Planned Parenthood from taxpayer funds; they should be morally disqualified from receiving public funds.”
2. Better healthcare could be provided by more ethical organizations, which could receive the money now going to Planned Parenthood.
Florida Family Policy Council is calling on Gov. Scott to redirect the funds Planned Parenthood currently receives to the 636 federally qualified community health centers in Florida. “We’re asking [Gov. Scott] to reprioritize the community health centers. They’re more evenly distributed throughout the state and provide easier access for women.”
Contrary to Planned Parenthood’s arguments about being necessary, Stemberger is right. Redistributing funds from Planned Parenthood to local comprehensive health care clinics would actually improve healthcare options for women, as these clinics greatly outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities – and many of them offer services no Planned Parenthood facility is licensed to offer, such as mammograms.
3. Planned Parenthood should not receive special treatment.
If an organization which is funded by the state and the federal government is caught repeatedly engaging in illegal activities, it is time for the taxpayer’s money to be used elsewhere. This is common sense, yet Stemberger says Planned Parenthood is being given a free pass due to their status. “Because this is Planned Parenthood, they’re getting special treatment because they provide abortion services.” Imagine if any other government-funded organization committed such atrocities and illegalities as Planned Parenthood: the public (and likely even the government) would cry out for action. But for some reason, Planned Parenthood is getting away with murder – quite literally.
It is time for Governor Scott to act on his pro-life values and defund Planned Parenthood, redistributing the money to healthcare providers with more facilities, better services, and no history of defying the law.