40 Days for Life has announced its next batch of nationwide events to kick off 2016.
“Despite 43 years of legalized abortion, these events have grown and inspired so many to give a public and peaceful witness for mothers and babies,” the group says. 40 Days for Life demonstrations typically consist of prayer, fasting, and a 24-hour presence of public protest outside of locations such as Planned Parenthoods and abortion clinics.
“Christ told us some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting,” the group notes, going on to explain that their demonstrations “serv[e] as a call to repentance for those who work at the abortion center and those who patronize the facility.”
Location, time, and organizer details on events through the end of January can be found on 40 Days for Life’s website, where further details on all aspects of participating in 40 Days for Life can also be found.