Pro-life Dr. Margaret White recalls visiting an old friend who had an abortion many years ago. White describes the conversation:
We celebrated our reunion with champagne. After about an hour of the typical, “Do you remember…?” sort of talk, she suddenly said, “Margaret, I killed my baby” – and burst into tears. I tried to comfort her and finally went to get her husband from the kitchen. I said to him “I’m so sorry, it’s my fault, seeing me again after all these years reminded her of her abortion because I was around at the time, and of course she knows where I stand.” His reply amazed me – he said, “Don’t blame yourself, it is nothing to do with you. There’s never a month passes she doesn’t cry for that baby.” The significance of the story is that not only was this 40 years after the abortion, but that my friend was an atheist and the child of atheist parents. She had never been in contact with religion, except briefly as a small child when she visited her grandparents.
It was not religious beliefs that made White’s friend mourn her aborted child, it was the inescapable knowledge that she had been complicit in her baby’s death. White’s book was written many years ago, but since its publication, many thousands of women have come forward with their testimonies about how abortion hurt them. You can read over 2,000 testimonies from women (as well as testimonies from men and siblings) at Silent No More.
Source: Dr. Margaret White Two Million Silent Killings: The Truth about Abortion (Hants, UK, 1987) 77