In March, we published 5 things you should know about Planned Parenthood, which began to chronicle the shocking and tragic truths of Planned Parenthood that go unknown and unacknowledged by mainstream America every day. And we were just getting started. Here are five more. Have an opinion? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
1. Planned Parenthood uses racist strategies handed down by a eugenicist founder
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a eugenicist. Similar to Hitler, she believed that there were superior races, and that within the superior races, there were fit and unfit members. In order to produce a world in which only the fit members of superior races were allowed to live, Sanger’s solution was to eliminate the others through forced sterilization, infanticide, birth control, licenses to parent, and abortion. In her book, Woman and the New Race, Sanger said:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.
And in her American Baby Code, she said:
Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.
Unfortunately, the troubling issue of race discrimination did not go to the grave with Sanger after she founded Planned Parenthood. Just a few years ago, Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood’s racist tendencies when it caught them accepting donations specifically earmarked towards the abortions of black babies. See more shocking quotes from Planned Parenthood’s racist founder here.
Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood’s current racist practices with its undercover investigation, The Planned Parenthood Racism Project. Dr. Alveda King, pro-life niece of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, said: “The most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today is Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate black babies.” That’s right: Planned Parenthood was caught on tape agreeing to earmark special donations to be used solely for the extermination of black children. Margaret Sanger’s dream of cleansing humanity lives on!
Where is the NAACP when real racism threatens American minorities? According to black pro-life leader Ryan Bomberger, they’re busy backing Planned Parenthood.
2. Planned Parenthood has lobbied for legal infanticide
In spite of all the revealing statements and lies that have come from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, footage of a Planned Parenthood rep defending infanticide before the Florida legislature still sent shock waves through the hearts of many Americans. In the incipient days of the Gosnell trial, when mainstream America was just beginning to become aware that infanticide is a common practice in some abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood dropped its Alisa LaPolt Snow bombshell: infanticide doesn’t matter. In fact, the Planned Parenthood rep argued against legal language in Florida that would require abortionists to send infant abortion survivors to the hospital after being born alive. The alternative? Let them die.
3. Planned Parenthood commits about 30% of the nation’s abortions
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s single largest abortion conglomerate. Most abortions are committed in hospitals and by smaller abortion businesses and chains, but Planned Parenthood runs the largest ring of abortion centers under one name, committing upwards of 30% of the total abortions that occur in the United States each year. That means that they commit about one abortion per 59 seconds. Annually, that is about as many aborted as live in the city of Cincinnati. Planned Parenthood is so dedicated to abortion that the largest abortion facilities in the western hemisphere bears its name. According to the Houston Coalition for Life, which works full-time rescuing children and their mothers from the devastating grips of Planned Parenthood, this facility, located in Houston, Texas, may be the largest abortion mill in the world:
The Center for Choice Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Houston, Texas is the largest abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere, at 78,000 square feet.
That’s 78,000 square feet, in a building shaped like a cash register, to carry out a massive abortion business, which includes abortions until almost halfway through a woman’s pregnancy (19.6 weeks).
4. Planned Parenthood’s biggest fan is Barack Obama, President of the United States
Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, introduced the POTUS at a recent address he gave to Planned Parenthood supporters (where he famously wished the blessing of God upon the organization), saying:
President Obama has done more to protect and promote women’s health than any president in history — and has continued to stand with Planned Parenthood when it’s mattered most. Because of his tireless efforts, we can count on birth control with no co-pays and increased access to affordable health care for millions of women nationwide.
A few tidbits from the Obama-Planned Parenthood love affair: as Richards recounts in her introduction, Obama flatly refused Speaker John Boehner’s attempts to lobby the POTUS for Planned Parenthood de-funding efforts – an action, according to Richards, that would have resolved an impasse in the legislature preventing it from passing a budget in 2011. Most recently in the Obama-Planned Parenthood saga, the president’s administration gave in to Planned Parenthood’s insistence that so-called “emergency contraception” be universally available to children (the conglomerate has a history of pouting and bullying until getting its way).
Not surprisingly, Planned Parenthood endorsed Obama during the presidential election, and Cecile Richards even took time off from her job to campaign on Obama’s behalf in the crucial battleground of Virginia. Lest any doubt about Obama’s dedication to Planned Parenthood (and vice-versa) remain, consider: all the way back in 2007, Obama promised his good friends over at Planned Parenthood that his first act as the president of the United States would be to sign the radical Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). Congress never passed the act to sign into law, but Obama’s dedication to a measure that would have added 125,000 dead children to abortion’s yearly death toll in America speaks volumes.
5. Planned Parenthood is notorious for covering up rape and child abuse
Here at Live Action, we brought you the Mona Lisa Project, exposing manipulative counseling, statutory rape cover-ups, and abuse cover-ups in eight Planned Parenthood clinics in five different states. The footage was shocking, and it brought to light yet another disturbing fact backing up the truth that Planned Parenthood is committed to abortion above all else, including what is best for women. Once again, the organization that consistently touts a philosophy of empowering women proved that the best interests of women – especially the most vulnerable, the young, and abused women – are not the driving force behind their massive abortion business.