As someone whose being involved in the pro-life movement for over a decade, I’ve often heard the accusation that pro-lifers care about preborn children, but not the women who carry them. A similar judgement is that those who fight to protect the preborn, only care about them while their in the womb. Both of these statements couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Some of the most compassionate people I know are committed pro-lifers who work to support women and families. Here are just five out of countless ways those with pro-life values make a difference in the lives of women and children in our nation.
1) Full Tuition Scholarship for a Single Mom
Regent University in Virginia, in partnership with CareNet pregnancy centers offers a yearly scholarship to a single mom who has received service from a CareNet pregnancy center. This amazing gift, valued at tens of thousands of dollars is given to allow a mom to pursue her career goals. Watch this touching video of last year’s recipient Cody Haar finding out she was chosen for the scholarship.
2) Campus Housing for single mothers and their children
The College of St. Mary in Omaha, Neb. is a Catholic founded, all Women’s university with a heart to make school accessible for single mothers. This is why they are one of the few schools in the nation to have dorm rooms for single mothers and their children. In 2014 they received a $10 million investment to build additional dorms for single moms. Single moms make up 18% of the population of their school. As Tara Knudson-Carl, V.P for student development at the school said, “We want them to walk across that stage and get that diploma. Anything we can do is a benefit to us and them, if they are able to stay here and succeed.”
3) Health Care for uninsured moms
Divine Mercy Care is a non-profit healthcare organization that seeks to transform hearts through healthcare. Their principal program is Tepeyac Family Center, LLC which is listed as a pro-life, OB/GYN, integrated healthcare practice with board certified doctors, registered nurses, other credentialed staff and medical assistants.
In 2013, 3,900 unique patients in 15,100 appointments received medical services from Tepeyac Family Center. Here are some of their encouraging stats:
31 babies were born to mothers who qualified for Tepeyac’s MERCY Financial Aid Program, 20 of which received 100% financial aid
37 babies were delivered to mothers who were referred to the practice by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington’s Gabriel Project and local crisis pregnancy centers.
All combined, 267 babies (41.7%) who were delivered by Tepeyac Family Center in 2013 were born to poor, underserved and uninsured mothers.
4)Homes for single moms
The movie ‘Gimmie Shelter‘ was a moving depiction of a struggling homeless pregnant teen named Apple who found refugee in a home for pregnant women. The home is based off the true story of the Several Sources Shelters founded by Kathy DiFiore. Several Sources Shelters are free places for pregnant women to receive housing, support and education. Several Source Shelter has a list of over 500 pro-life shelters in the United States. On their website you can read the beautiful letters Mother Teresa sent Kathy to encourage her.
5) Pregnancy Centers
There are around 1,180 CareNet affiliated pregnancy centers in the United States. In the past six years CareNet centers have given 579,322 free ultrasounds and 723,597 women have received education and parenting support. 1.1 million people have received material support and 1.8 million free pregnancy tests have been given. These centers provide quality care for women and children in need.
If you’re inspired by the work of these organizations, find a CareNet center in your city and volunteer or give to one of these amazing causes.