Baby Noah
Noah died during a miscarriage at 12 weeks and 5 days. His mother willingly shared an amazing photo of his tiny human body so that others could see the humanity of the preborn child with their own eyes.
“If [Noah] could help show one mother considering abortion the beauty of her child,” Noah’s mother said. “Then our loss would be worth it.”
This article describes what happens to babies who are aborted at Noah’s age and younger.

Adelaide Caines
Born at 24 weeks, Adelaide died before her birth day was over. But her parents were compelled to let the world see their beautiful daughter and the reality of who abortion kills:
“Our picture shows Adelaide was not a feotus; she was a fully formed human being, and to think that a baby like her could be legally terminated on grounds of a lifestyle choice is to me is horrifying,” Caines explained.
Adelaide’s parents have chosen to publicly release the photo of their baby girl in a bid to reopen the debate on the legal limit for abortion, saying what they witnessed in their daughter’s short life “makes a mockery out of the 24 week legal limit.”

Baby Walter cuddled up to his mom.
When baby Walter was miscarried at 19 weeks, his parents decided to celebrate him and capture a few brief moments of his precious life. His photos went viral, and countless people throughout the world have seen that babies inside the womb – who are so often aborted – are undeniably human beings.

Nathan Isaiah
Born just after the first trimester, this tiny baby was unquestionably human. His mother said:
“My heart is heavy. He was so perfectly formed. No one can deny that 13-week-and-4-day-old baby wasn’t a baby. He is delicately put together. You can see every detail. I know God will use him to bring glory to His kingdom, and for that, I am thankful.”
Christian’s mother, Lacey, made this YouTube video telling their story. People told her to abort, or wondered why she didn’t when they saw Christian’s disability. But Lacey had always been convinced that Christian – and all other children – are valuable, despite any condition, disability, or difficult circumstance they or their parents may face. Christian has showed the world that every child deserves a chance to live.
Under her video, Lacey writes:
“This is my plea to anyone considering abortion. Rethink your decision, no matter the circumstances. I am so glad I chose life!”

David Raphael
David is the youngest of the babies in this list, and yet he equally proves the humanity of every preborn child. His humanity challenges assumptions that are commonly made about abortion.
David was only seven weeks old – an age when many abortions occur in the U.S. Babies like David are suctioned apart and ripped from their mothers’ wombs on a daily basis.
The scientific organization, The Endowment for Human Development, explains what babies at David’s age can do:
From seven to seven-and-a-half weeks, tendons attach leg muscles to bones, and knee joints appear. Also by seven-and-a-half weeks, the hands can be brought together, as can the feet. The embryo also kicks, and will jump if startled.
The baby’s heart has also been beating for a month, and brain waves have been readable since six weeks. (See videos of babies at David’s age here.)
Note: For more on the humanity of preborn children, see this article, and visit The Endowment for Human Development online. To find out 10 amazing things that happen to babies before birth – all in the first trimester when most abortions happen – go here.