A recent poll shows 77% of voters support legislation requiring medical treatment for babies who survive attempted abortions. It also showed that 62% of those surveyed oppose legislation allowing for late-term abortions, and 50% of those opposed strongly oppose.
The poll was released by the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) and was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates.
Results were obtained by surveying 1,000 probable voters in the general election. The surveys took place online and included randomized samples from predetermined geographic areas nationwide.
Commenting on the poll results, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said:
Americans overwhelmingly reject the Democratic Party’s extreme agenda of abortion on demand through birth and even beyond. Three in four voters agree babies born alive during a failed abortion should be protected in law, and nearly two-thirds oppose efforts to allow late-term abortion even at the moment of delivery, like those in Virginia and New York.
READ: Planned Parenthood’s support for infanticide is no surprise
She added, “Democrats’ obstruction of compassionate legislation to protect these vulnerable children exposes them as the party of infanticide and shows how radically out of step they are with the American people. We urge both chambers of Congress to bring this bill to the floor for a recorded vote. Voters deserve to know where their legislators stand. Abortion extremists who betray their constituents will be held accountable at the ballot box.”
Republicans have repeatedly attempted to introduce the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require medical treatment and care for infants who survive attempted abortions. Currently, 19 states do not have legal protections for babies who survive botched abortions.
While pro-abortion politicians have claimed babies are not born alive in abortions, data shows otherwise. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that at least 143 babies died in the United States after abortions between 2003 and 2014, and that could be much lower than the actual number.
Why a third of those polled seem to believe we should not protect children who survive abortions is anyone’s guess.
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