(Pregnancy Help News) Dear Planned Parenthood,
I am pro-life Christian. I’m not claiming to be perfect. I’m not claiming that just because I am a person of faith, I have it all figured out. I still fall flat on my face. I still disobey and give in to sin. I am a work in progress, as is anyone who serves Jesus Christ.
But let me assure you, I am nothing like the man who entered your clinic last week and murdered three people. In fact, not only do I want no harm to befall you, I’ll go as far as to say that I love you.
Yes, I said it. I love you, Planned Parenthood. It’s not for what you stand for or for what you do, but because God has commanded me to love my enemy. I’m to bless those who curse me and do good to those who hate me.
Even though God commands this of me, it’s still hard, and I can only love you with His help. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Bible teaches me the way in which God expects me to love you.
He says that love is patient and kind, so I will wait for you—however long it takes—to change your mind on abortion. I won’t huff and puff about it. And when you do finally see the error in your ways, I won’t be smug. I’ll just be thankful.
God says love does not envy and is not boastful. I won’t be jealous of the amount of money, supporters, or media spin you receive. I have faith that God is bigger than all of that—and that’s the truth, I’m not boasting.
He says love is not conceited and does not act improperly. I won’t believe myself to be better, smarter, wealthier or more powerful than you. That’s okay, because God tells me He is sufficient for my every need. Nor will I stand on your steps and scream at you. Jesus never screamed at the lost.
God says love is not selfish and is not provoked. Wanting an unborn child to live is never selfish, so I won’t shy away from the topic of abortion. I want all women to know that abortion isn’t the only option. Life can still bloom from ashes. I will also endure the insults and the put-downs you hurl my way. Your words will still sting and my tears may still fall, but at the end of the day, Jesus’s love will soothe my hurts like a healing balm.
He says love does not keep a record of wrongs. This one is the hardest for me, because I know how many babies lose their lives to you each and every day. I will never forget the souls that have gone on, but I promise not to focus on the past. I will look toward each new day and will count each life saved from you as a blessing.
Jesus, in Matthew 5, tells me to both love and pray for you. And I will. I will pray that every one of your patients, doctors, nurses, and volunteers is protected from harm.
I will pray that there is no more violence or bloodshed—from either side of the abortion clinic door.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally printed at Pregnancy Help News on December 3, 2015, and is reprinted here with permission.