In a look back at the cultural winners and losers of the year, a big loser has to be Planned Parenthood, no matter how energetically the left in this country tries to paper over this organization’s ghoulish profiteering. Conversely, a big winner has to be the Center for Medical Progress, which released the 10 shocking videotapes that very effectively exposed the Gosnellian acquiescence at the highest levels of the abortion conglomerate.
Winner: CBS’s “The Good Wife,” which dared to allow a pro-life point of view to get primetime exposure, including an episode that aired a fictional version of the CMP videos and liberals that wanted them censored.
Loser: ABC’s “Scandal,” for outrageously having their heroine get an abortion to the strains of “Silent Night” and then smile about it at the episode’s end to the strains of “Ave Maria.”
~ Brent Bozell,, December 25