Welcome to 2024! The U.S. is entering its second full year free of Roe v. Wade, but it promises to be a contentious election year filled with abortion-related talking points, political promises, and debates. Yet away from all of the heated arguments and abortion-friendly media posts, every pro-lifer in the nation has the opportunity to act in winsome ways to spread the pro-life message and save babies from abortion.
This year, plan to be active, engaged, generous, and educated in new life-changing ways.
1. Meet women on the sidewalk
If you have it in your heart to meet women on the sidewalks outside of abortion facilities, you will be a gift to countless women who are walking into that abortion business believing that abortion is the only option they have. You can be there to help show them otherwise and be a light in their lives.
Even in states that have enacted ‘buffer’ zones around abortion facilities to try to block pro-life efforts to help women, your simple presence near the facility can save a life. A couple seeking an abortion outside of Aurora, Illinois, was surprised by the number of people praying outside the local Planned Parenthood. The husband explained to Pro-Life Action League that he and his wife had been considering an abortion, but the presence of sidewalk counselors outside the abortion facility made them reconsider. They had been afraid of having a third child, but the presence of the sidewalk counselors gave them courage.
“God put you guys in front of us because He told us — we were parked right there and we were just staring over here and we were just thinking about it, thinking about, thinking about it and we were just looking at the baby’s pictures [images of abortion victims] like, we can’t do that. But I thank all you guys for being out here,” the father said. “I thank you guys so much, man, because honestly, you guys changed our mind. I feel like if you guys weren’t here that day we probably would have stepped in there.”
2. Help your local PRC
Since Roe was overturned, PRCs have faced both an increase in violent attacks and an expansion of clients and services. They have also been defamed by pro-abortion politicians and media outlets. They need the support of pro-lifers more than ever as they prepare to help even more women and children who are being saved from abortion by newly enacted pro-life laws.
READ: Research debunks Planned Parenthood’s lies about pregnancy resource centers
PRCs can make great use of financial donations as well as donations of baby and maternity-related items. But for anyone unable to donate monetarily, PRCs can also benefit from volunteers who can donate their time at the center or bring guests to attend fundraisers for the center.
3. Throw a baby shower
One fun way to support women, babies, and pregnancy centers is to hold a baby shower to benefit a specific mother or mothers or the PRC overall. It can be planned just as you would plan any other baby shower with games, food, and gifts purchased off of the PRC’s or the mothers’ wishlists.
Unable to throw a baby shower? You could set up a donation bin at your church to collect baby items to bring to the PRC.
4. Wear pro-life gear
Share the pro-life message without saying a word by updating your closet with pro-life gear. The Live Action store has t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more attire available. Your purchase will help Live Action continue its mission of changing hearts and minds on abortion.
Other pro-life organizations also have pro-life gear available for purchase including Students for Life of America, The Radiance Foundation, Hope Outfitters, 40 Days for Life, Sidewalk Advocates for Life, and Human Coalition.
5. Read pro-life books and news
Pro-life books and news stories offer readers the truth about abortion that is often buried by major media outlets. Books have been written by pro-life authors detailing personal conversion stories, inspirational stories, and pro-life apologetics. These books can help readers build their pro-life knowledge to better equip them to stand up for babies in the womb. Many of these books can be found in the Live Action shop, including Fighting for Life, written by Live Action founder and president Lila Rose.
To stay up-to-date on abortion-related laws, pro-life efforts, and breaking life-related news, you can turn to Live Action News. On the homepage, there is a box to enter your email address to get news delivered right to your inbox.
6. Host a pro-life event
Spread the pro-life message in your community by hosting a pro-life event. Invite a pro-life speaker to speak at your church or school. Hold a fundraiser such as a walk or a dinner to benefit a pro-life organization. If you have a personal pro-life story to share, consider becoming a pro-life speaker yourself.
7. Share pro-life stories
Head over to Live Action’s social media pages to share our YouTube videos and Instagram posts of pro-life human interest and news stories. Right now, children with Trisomy 18 are being targeted for abortion, and media outlets are championing their deaths with stories about Kate Cox, a woman who fought the state of Texas for the ‘right’ to kill her child with Trisomy 18, also called Edward’s syndrome, in an abortion. Her story perpetuated the lies surrounding children with Trisomy 18, including outdated statistics and labels such as “incompatible with life.”
Families of children with Trisomy 18 have shared their stories with Live Action and you can share Live Action social media posts with your friends, family, and followers to spread the truth about children with Trisomy 18 and counteract the countless life-related myths out there.
You never know who you will reach when you share the pro-life message.
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8. Help children in foster care
Children in foster care and their parents need support and there are a variety of ways to help them other than being a foster parent. If you are unable to commit to fostering full-time or fostering to adopt, you can step up to be a respite provider, offering support and respite to foster families. Respite care services have two main goals: to provide care to avoid “burnout” and reduce stress on foster families and to provide socialization opportunities and age-appropriate activities for foster children. You can also act as a mentor to a teen in foster care who needs extra support and guidance.
In addition, you can provide welcome boxes to children in foster care, and help provide clothing and other necessary items. Children in foster care often carry their few belongings in plastic bags because they have likely been removed from an unsafe home quickly. They don’t own many items and need everything from underwear and socks to toothbrushes and school supplies. You could even hold a back-to-school drive in your community to collect school supplies to give to children in foster care.
9. Get involved with Live Action
There are a variety of ways to get involved with Live Action, including applying to become a Live Action Ambassador. Live Action Ambassadors get exclusive training, content, resources, and calls to action in the fight to protect preborn children.
You can also be an advocate for life by signing Live Action’s pro-life pledge petition or be a Life Defender by pledging a monthly donation to Live Action.
Let’s make 2024 America’s greatest year of pro-life advancements yet.