What is “the alt-right?” Last month, Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor helped organize a press conference to address that question. Despite coming from different backgrounds, their answers included a common theme.
“Race is a foundation of identity,” Spencer declared, while Taylor blamed Jews for trying “to undermine the legitimacy of white racial consciousness.” You can find similar ideas supporting racism and antisemitism in their books and publications. Something else you can find? Support for abortion.
Jared Taylor backs public funding for abortion. Meanwhile, Richard Spencer’s Radix Journal has warned of “the pro-life temptation,” deriding pro-lifers as “dysgenic” and “cuckservatives.” This isn’t too different from how traditional racists like Tom Metzger have regarded abortion. The former KKK leader calls it “non-white population control,” advising his followers to “invest in ghetto abortion clinics” and “raise money for free abortions.”
That’s why I was surprised recently when ClinicQuotes founder Sarah Terzo was accused of being in the same category as Taylor and Spencer.
After all, Sarah has helped expose the abortion industry’s racism. So has Live Action: In 2008, Live Action caught Planned Parenthood (America’s largest abortion chain) agreeing to accept donations from people who said they wanted black kids aborted.
It’s a goal disgraced president and Planned Parenthood fan, Richard Nixon, seems to have shared. Federal funding for Planned Parenthood began under his administration. He also favored aborting mixed race children, and described abortion as a way “to control the negro bastards.”
But the connection between racists and Planned Parenthood didn’t start with Nixon — its founder was willing to work with them too. On page 366 of her autobiography, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger described speaking at a 1926 Klan rally. She also supported “race betterment” through “drastic immigration laws.” Even today, Planned Parenthood opposes legislation against race-based and sex-selective abortions.
It’s easy to see why some racists would help the abortion industry. What isn’t clear? Why everyone else has to. Each year, Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion of your tax dollars. Tell Congress that money belongs in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and community health centers (CHCs) instead. They’re more accessible and offer services Planned Parenthood doesn’t.
“White nationalists” like Patrick Le Brun insist they “need Planned Parenthood.” The rest of America? Not so much.