I have always believed in standing behind my country. I feel differently now that I live in a country governed by Barack Obama and his healthcare plan. I applaud the efforts of the many in Congress, churches, and everyday citizens who believe in religious liberty. These people live in a country which is not governed by ObamaCare, but by our Constitution.
Those who were against ObamaCare were against it mostly because we felt it was unconstitutional. Now we know that it is. I wonder if two years ago anyone ever imagined this could happen. I myself did not. Even if the president may be pro-abortion, I figured I had the right to be pro-life because I also have the right to my faith. But that’s when we weren’t governed by ObamaCare. The right to be pro-life is now more of a luxury, thanks to the HHS mandate.
Obama mentioned on February 6th, while on NBC’s Today Show, that “Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.” Obama knows what he is doing deep down is unconstitutional, but he still doesn’t care.
History scholars typically wait thirty years before truly ranking a president, in order to see the long-term effects of his presidency. I don’t think we should give Obama those thirty years.
It shouldn’t take thirty years for historians to realize the blatant assault Obama has led not only on our Constitution, but also on religious liberty, views of sex, and the human life it often creates. Obama has changed our culture for the worst. In thirty years, Catholic hospitals, schools, and other institutions may have long been closed. Will it take thirty years to see the resulting consequences? I doubt it will take thirty days.
I reiterate that there are courageous organizations and individuals uniting to protect their own sacred beliefs and the right to have them, as well as those of every American. Such unity may defeat the HHS mandate. If it doesn’t, the intolerance and tyranny that is the Obama administration may likely prevail. Either way, history will judge us as a nation. What did we do during this time?
It’s not that I think women’s healthcare is evil. I am a woman myself. It’s good that I have healthcare. But healthcare is not just a women’s issue: it’s also good for men and the unborn. And pregnancy is not a disease to prevent like you would prevent cancer. I would rather not see the healthcare of women be used as such a form of debate, but the President has forced this to happen.
The President, I believe, does not see women’s healthcare at the front of all this. What he sees is a way to advance his agenda of further government control, and a way to help out his allies such as the CEO of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards. That he takes advantage of women’s health to do so is shameful. Women shouldn’t be thanking Obama; they should be asking him for an apology.
I have optimism and faith that the courts will protect the First Amendment from ObamaCare. We can also make a difference, though. Each of us eligible to vote can–and should–vote this president out of office. (And if we’re not eligible, there is still so much we can do.) If we do not vote Obama out of office, we may keep this tyrannical system of ObamaCare. America has indeed strayed with Obama as her leader, but if we do not grant this president a second term, we can get back on track and once again live in this great nation of true religious freedom.