
Wrongful sentence, or the media playing us?

Wrongful Sentence, or the Media playing us?

The LA times released an article on September 9th  titled “7 Mexican women freed in so-called infanticide cases” about the release from jail of 7 women sentenced for homicide of a next of kin in the Mexican state of Guanajuato.

The LA times did the same that many other papers and news media around the world. They confused the facts so readers would think the women had miscarried (or maybe even aborted a baby that was conceived in rape), but were in jail for 29 years, instead of 3, which is the maximum penalty in that state for abortion.

Unraveling the misinformation, this is what actually happened:

These ladies during their trials were found guilty of infanticide. The judges had enough evidence to prove the babies were born alive and there was an action from the part of the mother that provoked death. One of the babies “was thrown into a toilet and left to die, and others were asphyxiated by obstruction of their respiratory airways.”

So, a feminist group in Guanajuato, “Las Libres” pressured the governor of Guanajuato to change the law that refers of the murder of your own kin from 25-29 years to 3 years.

BTW, one of the big sponsors of “Las Libres” is Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette. No surprise here, and the Global Fund for Women.

Anyhow, adding to the pressure was the visit to Mexico from Ms. Kyung-wha Kang, a Deputy High Commisioner for Human Rights for the  UN. She visited Mexico for the 17th International AIDS Conference. Also, during her visit, she met with some feminist groups, including “Las Libres” to discuss the marginalization of women in Mexico

A few weeks later, the governor of Guanajuato, who is a presidential hopeful, decided to abide and change the law, so infanticide was reduced as requested.

Next thing you know, the media circus is talking about how these women were in jail, with 20 plus years sentences for miscarriages or abortions. And how the women’s rights groups helped them seek and achieve justice.

Technically, if the maximum sentence for their crime was now less years than what they had been charged with, then, they already had served their time. That’s why they were freed.

If anything, this was another way for international groups seeking to establish their “reproductive rights” in other countries. And on a weak governor that gave in to the external pressure. And a media body that abides to anything Planned Parenthood and the UN would say. Such as report wrongful jail sentence for miscarriage/abortion, instead of “murder by a next of kin” (infanticide).

I feel sorry for these women. And any woman that murders their baby (born or pre-born). If anything, they were also used by these international “sexual health” groups to advance their agenda in Mexico. With full blessings from the press.

Can you see what really transpires in Mexico and in all Latin Countries by now?

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