A response to the many names pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), NAF (National Abortion Federation), and their media allies like to throw around.
You can call me anti-choice, anti-women, anti-rights.
Or maybe call me crazy after all, I am PRO LIFE.
You can call me intolerant, an uneducated girl.
You can tell me that I’m foolish with this hope to change the world.
You can say that I’m a loser, mindlessly fanatical.
You can even say that I’m a freakish fetus-loving radical.
You can scoff at my convictions and call me a prude.
You can say my hate for slaying life is arrogant and rude.
You can call me judgmental, an embryo extremist.
You can say that I’m distasteful when my pictures make you squeamish.
You can question my understanding of history and science.
You can call my activism a political defiance.
You can call me ignorant; say I’m living in a bubble.
You can even say I’m only interested in causing trouble.
You can call me dramatic, say I just exaggerate.
You can say that I’m a terrorist when I stand outside your gate.
You can claim that I’m a menace while I peacefully protest.
You can say that I am out of touch and holding back progress.
You can call me senseless, stupid, oblivious, misguided.
You can claim that I’m the reason that this nation is divided.
But when you call me what you will, don’t forget this name –
A DEFENDER OF THE WEAK unrelenting and unashamed.