
Quote of the day: Pro-life position more popular than media claims

Since the election, a number of mainstream media outlets have noted that Donald Trump trailed Hillary Clinton in the final popular-vote tally, and they have also tried to make the case that his policy positions are unpopular with the American people….

The reporting on abortion has been especially misleading….

… [I]t is important to note that the results of abortion surveys often vary quite a bit depending on the research organization conducting the survey, and people can be sensitive to the specific question wording that is used. In contrast to the Quinnipiac numbers, Gallup surveys consistently indicate that well over 50 percent of Americans think abortion should either be “legal in a few circumstances” or “illegal in all circumstances.” Overall, there is little evidence that attitudes toward abortion changed significantly in 2016….

Trump and his transition team should uphold their other campaign promises on sanctity-of-life issues — and not be misled by the media’s spinning of limited polling data.

~ Michael New, National Review, December 2, 2016

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