The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website gives yearly statistics on abortions performed in the US. The latest surveillance data available up to 2013 (for the abortions actually reported) show that “91.6% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation…” This means the majority of abortions were performed within the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy, during the early stages of her baby’s development.
Apparently, the abortion industry thinks this is the best time to try to convince mothers that their baby is just a “clump of cells,” or merely “potential life” — unfortunately common characterizations made by those who condone, promote, or try to justify abortion in the attempt to assuage people’s consciences. Yet scientific facts have already proven characterizations like these to be false and entirely misleading. For example, science tells us that from the moment of fertilization (also sometimes referred to as conception), the baby’s DNA code is being written – meaning she has her own unique, individual identity from the earliest moments of her life. She is not “potential life”; her life has already begun in earnest.
Another immediate determination for the baby at the moment of fertilization is its sex. The baby will begin developing into what has been biologically determined from the very beginning, and at about the twelve-week mark in utero, gender can usually be seen on an ultrasound. Aside from the scientific facts showing babies are given specific attributes such as individual identity and gender at fertilization, there are the obvious developmental features that help us see these human beings are not just unrecognizable clumps of cells (as if this should still be a debate in 2017).
A woman should be able to see a positive result for a pregnancy test at about four weeks. At this point, the baby’s organs are developing and the heart is already beating starting at 16 days after fertilization, according to a new scientific discovery. This means that even if an abortion is performed at the earliest known stage of a woman’s pregnancy — at four weeks — it will still be stopping a heartbeat. More specifically, it will be ending a uniquely identifiable human life like yours and like mine.
If one were to look further into the reality of abortions for babies at all ages — four weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 24 weeks, and so on — the inhumane violence of these procedures, that can amount to torture, would be shocking. Depending on the size and developmental stage of the baby, they are prevented from development by the use of toxic drugs, burned with saline, and de-limbed in order to be suctioned out of the mother’s womb piece by piece (this is only a small list of the available procedures that exist). Unthinkable crimes have also been committed in abortion facilities when the mother goes into labor and the baby survives an abortion attempt.
Common abortions performed in the first trimester are the abortion pill method (see video below), a D&C aspiration abortion, and a D&E abortion. Medical animation, with a doctor explaining D&C and D&E abortions can be viewed here.
There should be no question or raging debate over whether it should be morally or legally justifiable to kill babies. The intrinsic answer ought to be no to the cruelty and inhumanity of abortion, yet we see the intentional deception of some and the unfortunate ignorance of others as our culture toys with this idea on a daily basis.
We don’t have to keep believing the lies about abortion.
Editor’s Note: If you have begun an abortion but regret your decision and would like to consider an abortion reversal, please visit or call their 24-hour nurse-staffed hotline at 1-877-558-0333. Time is of the essence.