
Live Action commends House members for Health Care Conscience Rights Act

We commend Representatives Diane Black (R-TN), Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), and John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA) for introducing the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (HCCRA) to protect Americans’ First Amendment rights and halt the Obama administration’s assault on religious freedom.

We have a long bipartisan tradition in this country of tolerance for religious beliefs.Those whose conscience runs counter to the administration’s abortion pill mandate should have a full exemption, and health care workers should never be forced to participate in the killing of defenseless preborn children. It is a violation of liberty for our government to bankroll the abortion industry at the expense of millions of unwilling taxpayers.

We support the efforts of Representative Black and encourage all our members to make their support for this bill heard.

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Released: March 5, 2013

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