
Live Action Slams Congressional Debt Deal


Live Action Slams Congressional Debt Deal
“Shows Blatant Contempt for Our Conscience Rights”

Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose:

Last night, in the late hours, even Congress’s most stalwart opponents of ObamaCare succumbed to a “deal” that flinches from addressing ObamaCare itself. Americans who expected a fight for our liberty have reason to be sorely disappointed.

Under the agreement Congress has now brokered, Americans become complicit in the abortion business, with or without their knowledge and consent. ObamaCare’s agents continue to mislead, obfuscate, and lie about which health insurance plans pay for abortions and which don’t. And the federal government gets to maintain a precedent of trampling on the right to free exercise of religion, from employers to families to the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Congress’s budget “deal” shows blatant contempt for our conscience rights – and ObamaCare is even worse. Live Action will continue to fight this abominable law, and I encourage every American who cherishes his or her liberty to join us.

Live Action is a youth-led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. The group uses new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. More information at

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