
ObamaCare Exchanges Actively Hiding Abortion Funding


ObamaCare Exchanges Actively Hiding Abortion Funding
Information “Either Completely Unavailable or Incredibly Difficult to Obtain”

Statement from Live Action President Lila Rose:

For the past two weeks, we’ve been reading disquieting news about how difficult it is to find out exactly which health insurance plans under ObamaCare cover abortion. Now we find out that our worst suspicions are justified – the exchanges are actively hiding which insurance plans will direct Americans’ hard-earned money to the systematic killing of the weakest and the voiceless among us.

Those who don’t follow politics could be forgiven for thinking that ObamaCare will use their tax money to fund crucial medicine or life-saving treatment. But it’s time to face facts: this law lets fiercely ideology-driven bureaucrats – not doctors! – plunder American paychecks so that abortionists across the country can dismember babies in the womb.

I praise New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith for speaking out against this deception by our government. But I doubt that an “Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act” will solve the problem. We need to stop trying to paper over ObamaCare’s many unforgivable and appalling aspects. This law is rotten through the core, from its sneaky abortion funding to its destructive medical device tax to its exemptions for the very congressmen who seek to impose it on us.

It’s time for Americans, pro-life and pro-choice alike, to ask why, if abortion is such a vital, necessary, and compassionate procedure, ObamaCare’s operators are being so deceptive, underhanded, and manipulative in pushing hardworking Americans to bankroll it.

Live Action is a youth-led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. The group uses new media to educate the public about the humanity of the preborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. 

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