
Live Action's Lila Rose Statement on Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn's Legislation Defunding the Nation's Top Abortion Provider

“Live Action applauds Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn for her leadership in defense of human life, women and young girls by introducing a bill to end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.Planned Parenthood has become the nation’s top abortion provider, now receiving more than $400 million in taxpayer funding a year and taking over 320,000 defenseless human lives annually through abortion.

“Not only are taxpayers funding hundreds of thousands of abortions a year, they are also subsidizing an abortion industry leader that aids and abets sex trafficking, performs sex selection abortion procedures and continues to lie about the danger of abortion to women as our Live Action investigations have uncovered.

“Planned Parenthood is a for profit enterprise.  The organization’s President, Cecile Richards, is paid over $400,000 per year in salary, while other senior staff take in over $250,000 a year in salary.  This is not an organization the federal government should be funding, it is an organization the federal government should be investigating–and immediately cutting federal funding.”

Additional information concerning Planned Parenthood can be found here:

Released: January 4th, 2013

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