
Nancy Pelosi advocates for protecting children — after they’re born


In a recent town hall, CNN’s Jake Tapper sat down with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to discuss a range of topics, including abortion.

Brianna Roberts, a college student at Alvernia University, shared her story of how she was adopted because her mother chose life over abortion. When asked if everyone should have the right to thrive and succeed in life, Pelosi struggled to answer the reality many pro-choice advocates are faced with, and instead, attempted to apply the right to life for only those already born. Here’s the kicker: no child has ever been able to thrive and succeed in the world without first having been given the right to life. It’s an obvious and rational point, but the House minority leader decided to take the validity of Roberts’ question and skew it.

“When people ask me, ‘What are the three most important issues facing the Congress,’ I always say the same thing, ‘Our children, our children, our children,’” Pelosi said. “Their health, their education, the economic security, their families, clean environment in which they can thrive, a world at peace in which they can succeed and reach their aspirations.”

Yes! Yes! Pelosi was spot-on with all these wonderful talking points, but she doesn’t understand them herself because that’s exactly what they are to her — talking points. It would be nice if Pelosi went back and listened to the words she spoke to a genuinely concerned pro-life student.

Rep. Pelosi, a child cannot have the opportunities you mentioned in your talking points if he or she first does not have the right to life as stated in our country’s founding document.

The minority leader then decided to go down a slippery slope, throwing out a typical pro-abortion talking point and personally attacking the pro-life argument, as well as the scientific fact that life begins at conception.

“Many of our friends who are so intent on when life begins, in their view, do not subscribe to [Pelosi’s talking points] after the child is born to meet the needs of the children,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi made the false assumption that pro-lifers do not care about children after they are born, and instead, ignore them altogether. This was an ignorant (and easily disproven) claim the House minority leader made on behalf of pro-choice advocates. It would be a wise move on Pelosi’s part to look into the plethora of organizations in the U.S. and around the world that are pro-life and pro-child, considering they are the same. For example:

In the final part of her nonsensical response, Pelosi urged Roberts to join the pro-choice advocates in helping all the children whose mothers chose life for them.

“Respecting your mother’s… ability to make her choice, I hope you’ll help us help all of these children to be able to thrive when their mothers make that choice to have them,” Pelosi said.

Yes! Yes! But Rep. Pelosi, we cannot help you and your fellow colleagues help the children you’re referencing if you don’t support their right to life! Do you not hear the hypocrisy in your own words? Do you not see the irony in your actions?

The pro-life movement has always been about helping ALL human beings; whether it be preborn children, children living in poverty, a single mother of three, or an elderly woman seeking love and attention in her last days of life. We can only help those who cannot help themselves if they are first given the right to life as granted to them in our country’s founding document.

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