
Planned Parenthood gives little to no help to people planning for parenthood

credit: Josh Denton

Live Action recently released an undercover video showing that women who are pregnant and desire to keep their babies are refused ultrasounds at Planned Parenthood facilities. Ultrasounds are only used at Planned Parenthood to date the pregnancy before abortion procedures. Women with wanted babies, who just want to see if their babies are healthy, are turned away.

In fact, Planned Parenthood has a long history of refusing to care for women who want their babies. Despite the name “Planned Parenthood,” the organization gives little or no help to people who plan to become parents. What’s more, they advertise “free pregnancy tests,” but only give these free tests to women considering abortions.

In 2011, Bound4Life blogger Susan Michelle wrote about several women Planned Parenthood refused to help.

Charity went to a Planned Parenthood in California seeking a pregnancy test. She wanted to have her baby, but needed the pregnancy test for insurance purposes. She describes what happened next:

I just wanted a free pregnancy test to apply for state insurance, and  they told me its only free if I didn’t know I was willing to keep “it” or not. So I said of course I want to keep my baby. The woman said, “don’t say baby in here. It’s $35 for you to take a pregnancy test without counsel on ‘rescheduling your pregnancy.’” I said a few things about LIFE. My son said “you can’t kill my baby sister!” That’s when we decided on our daughter’s name – Zoe, Life God’s way. I’m now holding my sweet 6 month old; she is a marvelous tiny person!

Another woman wrote:

The same thing happened to my friend at Planned Parenthood 21 years ago [in New Jersey]. She went in for a free pregnancy test (which was not free) and the only question they asked her was “when do you want to schedule your abortion?” When she said she didn’t want an abortion they booted her out the door.

Although many Planned Parenthood clinics advertise prenatal care services, very, very few actually offer prenatal care. Live Action’s undercover video shows that even Planned Parenthood facilities that advertise prenatal care services do not offer it. Despite Planned Parenthood’s claims, only a very, very tiny fraction of women can get prenatal care at Planned Parenthood.

So it is not surprising that this woman’s friend was turned away.

Another woman who visited a Planned Parenthood facility in Arizona told the following story:

I lived in an apartment building across from [a Planned Parenthood clinic]. I had just become a Christian, trying to get pregnant. I took my jar of “specimen” over and found out I was pregnant! WOO HOO! They asked how I wanted to deal with the pregnancy, and I said, well, I want to see the doctor and talk about the pregnancy, labor and delivery, ASAP! I was excited.

They said, “Um, you’re KEEPING the baby? We don’t do that here.” I was shocked. I asked for a referral, because we had not lived there long. They didn’t refer to OBs either! WOW!  I was so young, and they were so beside themselves that I would be keeping the baby! (and probably upset that I had wasted their pregnancy test).I learned they aren’t really PLANNING for PARENTHOOD.

Not only did Planned Parenthood refuse to help this pregnant woman, they were unable to refer her to a doctor who would. Clearly, Planned Parenthood is not equipped to help women who want to keep their babies. Their free pregnancy tests are only meant to draw in abortion vulnerable women; they are not for women who want to have their children. After a woman tells Planned Parenthood workers that she wants to keep her child, Planned Parenthood kicks her out the door. They do not help women who choose life.

These testimonies and many others show that Planned Parenthood is an abortion chain, not a full-spectrum service provider. Despite claims that Planned Parenthood supports “choice,” they only help with one pregnancy choice – abortion.

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