On Saturday, pro-lifers gathered peacefully outside Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation as part of #ProtestPP. Most of the protests went as planned, despite the presence of counter-protesters supporting Planned Parenthood at many locations.
However, at a time in which the mainstream media loves to misportray pro-lifers as extremists, it is important to highlight the fact that the pro-abortion camp is not without its share of crazies.
Brian Cunningham, a 74-year-old grandfather, pro-life activist, former attorney, and former Gilroy City Councilman, was promoting a pro-life demonstration for last Saturday in Gilroy, California, through a Facebook ad. The post read:
Join us on Saturday, February 11, 2017 as we will be hosting a ‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ rally! The purpose of this nationwide effort is to draw attention to Planned Parenthood and call for their defunding. Join us in the effort to save lives by participating peacefully on the public sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood in Gilroy (760 Renz Ln, behind Lowe’s) from 10:00 a.m.-10:45am. We hope to see you there!
Apparently, that’s all it took for things to get violent.
Cunningham claims that he had to cancel the protest due to threats he received on his Facebook post from individuals on the pro-abortion side.
The Gilroy Dispatch reports that one commenter responded to Cunningham’s post with, “How about we just castrate you.” A comment from a separate account read, “We will be there in pink hats to take this war on again!!! And I’m sure your faces will make great picket signs ……. camera ready pro planned parenthood.”
Cunningham has filed a complaint with local police and says he had to cancel the protest in order to protect himself and fellow peaceful pro-lifers from what he perceived as a very real danger of physical violence, due to the alleged threats.
Sadly, Gilroy was not the only location in which abortion supporters resorted to unacceptable tactics to silence pro-lifers. Peaceful pro-life protests on Saturday in other parts of the country were reportedly met by Planned Parenthood supporters shoving pro-lifers, hitting them with jump ropes, removing materials from pro-life tables, and in one case, attempting to grab or swat a pro-lifer’s phone.
Not all pro-abortion comments on Cunningham’s Facebook post were violent or threatening in nature. Some were just plain ignorant. For example, the Gilroy Dispatch reports that one commenter posted a claim that Planned Parenthood “does not perform abortions.” Some people need to get out more.
Cunningham responded to this comment, calling out the obvious misinformation, and drawing attention to recent discoveries that despite advertising prenatal care, a large percentage of Planned Parenthood facilities were found to be refusing to provide prenatal care.
In addition to his pro-life activism, Cunningham is active in local charities that support people after birth, including The Keeper’s Closet — a non-profit organization providing clothing to families in need for children from birth until age 6, as well as other materials and resources.