Miss North Dakota, Macy Christianson, addressed lawmakers on the Senate floor Wednesday, thanking them for their crucial work in protecting the rights of the preborn. Christianson, who represented her state in the Miss America competition in 2016, affirmed that being pro-life is in favor of women.
“One aspect that I love in particular about being a title holder is that I represent such an amazing organization, yet I’m still an individual that can stand for things that I’m passionate about and that matters to me,” Christianson said. “I have immense respect for our state for having taken a stand for what I believe is right in regard to abortion.”
Christianson added that North Dakota is an example of a state working to protect the rights of both women and their preborn children.
“I have had people tell me that North Dakota is against women and our rights,” she said. “I have to disagree, because not only do we support our women, but we support our women who are unborn and can’t speak for themselves.”
Forum News Service columnist Rob Port praised Christianson’s speech as courageous and refreshingly “out of the ideological mold”:
I don’t know what Christianson’s politics are, beyond her comments about abortion, but kudos to her for being willing to break out of the ideological mold liberals cast for women. I’m sure she’ll get some flak for thinking things the left feels women ought not think, but it’s high time we all stopped caring so much about the identity cages politicos try to herd us into.
Christianson also discussed her advocacy work to prevent drunk driving.